
jesseylou22 Posts: 51
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone else go over their protein all the time??? I never meet my carbs and go way over my protein! I think this is from years of cutting carbs becasue I am carb sensitive and I think they make me fat! However, in doing that I trained myself to eat more protein and good carbs like veggies.. is this bad? Will this effect my weight loss?


  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Nothing wrong with more protein, a lot more people are sensitive to carbohydrates. So less carbs naturally means you have to substitute it with protein. Unless you sub protein for fat, which isn't a bad idea either.
  • c4vicious
    c4vicious Posts: 8
    In terms of body composition, and in the context of weight loss, protein is superior to carbohydrates and fat. The body has to use more energy to process protein than it does carbs or fat. This is referred to as the "Thermic Effect of Food". In other words, eating protein raises your RMR slightly more than carbs and quite a bit more than fat. So a diet of equal calories will result in less bodyfat gain if it is higher in protein vs. one that is higher in carbs. Also, high protein intake helps to preserve muscle mass during a calorie deficit.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I do better with lower carb diets myself, as well as having a family history of diabetes, which makes lower carbs a good idea. My own doctor recommended a low carb diet when I originally lost 60 lbs back in 2000 (much of which I kept off for 8 years or so). Right now I am doing a balanced calorie ratio of 35% carbs, 35% protein, and 30% fat (roughly). I changed the goals in MFP (under the Goals tab) to reflect this. The high carb diet doesn't work for everyone, especially if you want to maintain or build muscle mass from your exercise. Many of the books I've read about exercise recommend consuming 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight per day.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    You can change your settings if you would rather try to meet a different percentage of protein.
  • yes, I'm seeing a nutritionist also and she told me I couldn't have as many carbs as it was suggesting, its a blood sugar thing with me so not typical. so I have more fat and protein in my diet.
  • jesseylou22
    jesseylou22 Posts: 51
    Thank you all for your replies, this made me feel a lot better about my protein numbers! :)
  • I came to this forum to post the exact same question! It seems that I am always going over and just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with that.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you go into your goals, you can manually adjust your carb/protein/fat ratio. I have mine set to 40/30/30. 55% carbs is far too high for me on a daily basis.
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