New to this site

Hello everyone,
I am new to this site. I started out 5 days ago to track my food and exercise. So far so good. I am hoping to buy a fitbit in 2 weeks and am pretty excited about it. I used to belong to a site called buddy slim a long time ago and it really helped me keep on track. I lost a ton of weight and became an avid runner. I am now not able to be that avid runner due to a back injury but I started walking again last Friday. I love to walk and hike still and hope once my ever so weak muscles gain some strength I can become a runner again. At least 3 mile runs.
I hope to meet some people for support and accountability. I have a cheer camp but nobody of my cheer camp works out :(
A bit about me. I am 42 have a 6 year old son and I live in Colorado Springs. I go to school full time and work part time and love every minute of school and work :)


  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • aronzerski
    Great job Kerstin!

    I wish you success in meeting your goals! Run with it (pun intended).
  • ahokay89
    ahokay89 Posts: 353
  • calcasola
    I have no idea how to friend ppl
  • KerstinK1972
    thanks for the welcome :)
  • KerstinK1972
    calcasola...You click on their name and then it brings you to their profile where you have an option to add as friend.
  • calcasola
    When I click on ur name nothing happens at all
  • Holly92154
    Holly92154 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me ;) I've been using MFP for a little over 3 months and I'm down 47 pounds ;) I work out between 5-7 hours a week. Having someone else who is interested in fitness sounds amazing.