Struggling "Again"

Here I go again....first week so motivated. Second week I am struggling and binging already!!! WTF!! Why do I do this when I know this weight is effecting my health. I have these conversations in my head and I just ignore the "no you shouldn't" and instead listen to "how good that ice cream will taste".


  • mindoz25
    mindoz25 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey its always tough in the beginning. Just imagine that every time you want to binge it's your body throwing a tantrum. It's like a little kid who wants a candy bar. If you give in, the kid will do it again because they know they Can get away with it. But if you resist, then the tantrums stop after a while. So stick it out! You can do it!
  • I am feeling deflated this week. It is week 3 for me, and I thought I was really doing well. I have been careful, worked out every day even if for 15 minutes, and that scale isn't moving. I need to hit the restart button on Monday! Don't give up..keep going! A week from now you will be glad you did!
  • vnyrdyth
    vnyrdyth Posts: 2 Member
    toots848..happens..every successful week treat yourself with some very good will be fine

    sonya15143.. It takes some time. May be by next week you see the difference. Keep trying. Good luck
  • Hey there, toots!

    I used to be that why...not so much anymore. Check out my profile...I list a great audiobook there that has helped me immensely. If you jive with my profile feel free to FR. I'm starting up on MFP again after some time away.

    Best to you!

    ~M.C. Turtle

  • I have the same issues. Week one I do great feel better and even stronger. Then I crash. You are not alone. Keep the faith. I joined challenge last night to try and push myself to loss of 20. Keep chatting we are here for you.
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    It's frustrating, but keep working at it. There are a lot of things that can help, but you'll have to find out what works for you. Somehow you've got to raise the stakes. Right now, I've got some commitments to others that I will follow this program and this is keeping me motivated. I have my calories set at a loss of one pound per week. I eat fewer calories and strive to lose two, but this gives me wiggle room.

    The urge to overeat is like an itch that you want to scratch, but as soon as you scratch the itch, you feel immediate relief, but then you see that your skin is raw. You only have a split second to turn away from a binge. You have to have tools to use right then that enable you to turn away from it. Start to become aware of what is happening with your body and mind when a binge is about to happen. Then have a plan for dealing with it. Your plan might include a specific saying, a choice of snacks, an activity that you want to engage in, etc.

    It's important not to get too hungry.
    You only have so much willpower, so use it wisely by creating an environment that is free from temptations.

    Careful planning is key. If you work at staying in a calorie range, you will soon be starting to find ways to incorporate treats.

    Log your food rigorously, even if you have a binge.

    Knowing is never enough. You may know all of this. Only practice will help you intercept the binge before it happens.

    You can do this! Stay the course!
  • Trying to get motivated to take my dog on a run! Such a procastinstor‼️
  • csrbl
    csrbl Posts: 2
    mindoz25 wrote: »
    Hey its always tough in the beginning. Just imagine that every time you want to binge it's your body throwing a tantrum. It's like a little kid who wants a candy bar. If you give in, the kid will do it again because they know they Can get away with it. But if you resist, then the tantrums stop after a while. So stick it out! You can do it!

  • csrbl
    csrbl Posts: 2
    Wow, this is such GREAT advice! I'm FINALLY getting around to taking down the Christmas tree & I came across a sack full of chocolates.... they are calling my name. So fast ice been able to ignore them, but they're screaming really loud... temper tantrum!
  • mindoz25 wrote: »
    Hey its always tough in the beginning. Just imagine that every time you want to binge it's your body throwing a tantrum. It's like a little kid who wants a candy bar. If you give in, the kid will do it again because they know they Can get away with it. But if you resist, then the tantrums stop after a while. So stick it out! You can do it!

    This was a great piece of advice, thank you so much.