Dropping the diet. Freaking out!

RoadieKill104 Posts: 21 Member
edited February 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hello everyone!

So to start off I'm simply looking for feedback and similar experiences here.

About a year ago I began an exercise and a cleaner diet. I went from 160 lbs to around 124 lbs (5'9" male, 27 years old).

Through this journey I learned a lot about myself. First thing is that I have an addictive personality. I became obsessed with doet and exercising, to the point where I ended up 124. Way too skinny for a young guy like me, or so I'm told. I also became obsessed with food, and making sure I counted calories to the T, and becoming ectremely hard on myself for messing up or falling off of my clean diet wagon (emwhichninnhkndsight wasn't very clean at all ironically enough).

Long story short, I'm done with dieting. I love working out and it makes me feel good, but the pursuit of a perfect physique is something that to me takes much more dedication than a working man with a kid on the way has time for or cares to out in.

So I have resolved to keep with the healthy habits that I have made (gave up the soda for good, water drinker now) and exercise regularly, and leave the rest of it behind.

Where I ran into problems is now I feel that my relationship with food is all out of whack. I told myself that I'd allow myself to simply eat what I wanted and not try to control it, to kind of reset everything, rid myself of nagging cravings and let everything kind of fall away from my mind to make eating and food choice an automatic process for me. Instead now I find myself eating everything in sight and I feel like I'm on a constant binge. Pizza, doighnuts, I cream, burgers, I feel out of control!

Has anyone ever experienced this after being underweight, I'm wondering if maybe my body is just trying to gain weight after shrinking down so small? Will the cravings pass?

I know I'm having weird thoughts about food and these thoughts aren't normal, I just feel like drawing from others experiences over talking to a therapist as has been suggested, to me community trumps all, so I would appreciate any and all feedback, as I'm worried I'll be a Cookie Monster forever!


  • carlymaceachern
    carlymaceachern Posts: 16 Member
    It sounds like while letting go control of food, food gained control of you!
    I've had similar issues and what I found that helps best is cutting out one thing at a time, for a month or so then re assess.
    Refined and unnatural sugar for example. The soda is a great start! Try and kick the sweets like cookies and doughnuts. Getting that stuff out of your pantry is a great way to not be pre occupied and obsessed with it- which equals binging!
    - Hope this helps, feel free to add me :)
  • carlymaceachern
    carlymaceachern Posts: 16 Member
    This of course^^ being OKAY'd with your doctor or health care provider.
    I saw a therapist for multiple reasons and felt it to be very helpful, but not everyone is comfortable.
  • FitRican
    FitRican Posts: 98 Member
    Good for you, please keep posting your progress. Don'tyou ever stop working out that will help your will to control what you eat.