Need people to share ideas for meals under 400 kcals xxx

ive just had twins ive lost my weight now thanks to my fitness pal, now i need to loose the last stubborn stone and tone up. Would like fitness buds that have sort of the same goal :) xx


  • mummyof2boys2girls
    Hi! I need to lose about 4 or more stone. Would love to b buddies on here. I have a few meal ideas that r Def under 400 cals
  • AntonioP23
    AntonioP23 Posts: 80 Member
    Depends what you like eating...

    For a low cal ideas.

    1. 1 cal spray oil (few sprays) - fry some tomatoes, mushrooms, onion, garlic, celery. Add some fahita/taco seasoning. Add a tin of beans - I like pinto/kidney beans.

    let it cook off and add some water.

    Serve with 50-75g 0% fat greek yogurt

    Should be under 400 :)
  • shellyhawkes
    Sounds nice thank you I will try that xx