Any other tall women 5'11"+ that need to lose 50+ lbs?

I'm 5'11" and need to lose around 100 pounds to get down to about 175, which is "normal" BMI for my height. I've been overweight nearly my entire life (since my parents got divorced when I was 11). At an early age I used food to comfort my emotional pain. I am 5'11" so I can easily put on 10-20 lbs without hardly noticing it, even in my clothing. This creates a problem because I can put on large amounts of weight very quickly without noticing. After I got married last year I shot up to 275 lbs, the absolute heaviest I've ever been. I am a step-mom to two girls, one I raise full time, the other we get every other weekend, with two different mothers. So not only do I deal with the heavy emotions of my past- but now heavy emotions of the daily struggle of step-motherhood. 100 lbs seems like such a huge and unattainable goal. I am trying to think of it as losing 10 lbs, 10 times- but it's hard to trick my brain. I don't particularly like exercise and never have- the only thing I loved doing was kickboxing, but I injured my shoulder and couldn't go back- also had a falling out with my best friend who I introduced to kickboxing and she still goes so also another reason I can't go back. Food is hard for me, because it's not as simple for me as eating healthy and cutting calories. I do love fruits and veggies- but I also LOVE sweets. Food has been for years my safety and comfort- and of course the foods that release the most happiness chemicals in the brain are the worse foods for you. I am trying to break to cycle- and I'm in therapy to try and work through some of the emotional pain that has caused the eating problem. Anyone in a similar predicament?


  • hey,
    im 5 foot 11. im looking to loose another 30ish pounds, (have already lost 44lbs)
    12. I too have always been overweight.. I have always comfort eaten too and it really is a hard habit to break!
    I lost the first 30ish pounds relatively easily as was really dedicated but soon slipped back into my comfort eating ways!
    recently I have started to eat raw till 4 as i love food so much and this way I can pack in the fruits and veggies so am still eating large quantities!
    good luck with the weightloss hun, it really is hard to break the comfort eating cycle but keep at it and just think what you want in the long term rather than short term comfort food fix and it should help!
    i used to HATE excercise but i find that when i go to the effort of working out it makes me so much less likely to comfort/ over eat afterwards because it makes me feel more energised / I dont want to put all the hard work in for nothing!
    good luck you can do it x
  • XYZamberZYX
    XYZamberZYX Posts: 17 Member
    in 5 foot 7. im looking to get to 175. thats 50 pounds...
    add me please so i can get some help!!!!!!!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'm 5'10" or 5'11", depending on who measures. I have a very long torso and short legs, so my goal weight is 190. I went from 300 to 208 over the course of a couple of years, but my weight has crept up a bit recently. I really want to get to 200 sometime in the near future, but I have health problems that make this really difficult.

    I don't comfort eat and I love to exercise. Right now my focus is on getting 10+ veggies a day and on limiting my fruit. I LOVE fruit, but my body just can't handle the sugar.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    HI, Im 5'11 and looking to lose 50lbs. Im currently 197 and have yoyoed over the years. My highest was 250, lowest was 183-been within 15 pounds of 183 for the past 2 years, but looking to get down to 150 range. Feel free to friend me. Good luck!
  • Hi everybody! I'm 5' 11 1/2". I lost 50 pounds last year after I had my son now I'm aiming to lose another 20 pounds or so. Feel free to add me! The comfort eating sounds very familiar it is a habit I struggle with daily! I would love to give support and receive it as well! Good luck everyone!
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Greetings! I'm 5'10" with about 55+ more pounds to lose. I have lost almost 20 since starting. Dealing with a slow (for now) but progressive terminal illness took a lot of things away from me, so I turned to food like I always do, for comfort. Making major changes and after some excellent medical care, still I'll, but able to be more active again!!! I am excited about this journey and happy to friend and support people :)
  • camillemichel14
    camillemichel14 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5"11 with about 150 lbs to lose. I've also been overweight my entire life and I understand your struggle. It's extremely hard to stay away from sweets. I've just started this lifestyle change about a month ago and I find it easier to just drop sweets cold turkey. It would be way too easy for me to relapse and start eating them again.
    I'm also struggling with not thinking about food ALL day. Sometimes I feel like that's all I think about and it makes it even harder to stick to my goals.
    Anyway, feel free to add me and good luck with your journey. Just know somebody understands what you're going through.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @camillemiche: I have found that preplanning and logging my food for the day helps keep me from thinking about food all day. That has been the single biggest help for keeping me on track for my daily goals.
  • ALC32JB
    ALC32JB Posts: 6 Member
    I am 6", very large frame, and have lost 100 lbs and kept it mostly off for a few years now but a few have creeped back on... also recently married and finding that is making my food prep much harder as I married a non vegetable eater. I have to keep fairly low carb and low calorie to lose anything anymore... just started back to the gym regularly and hoping that darn scale will move soon. I want to lose another 70 and be super healthy to start a family. Would be happy to have and give some support on here! :)
  • hello.... I am 5"7 and weigh 240lbs I want to lose 90 pounds.... I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and now after they killed my thyroid I am now hypothyroidism I cant get rid of the weight now... I decided to try something new I asked around to some people I know and they said to check youtube so I did and I found a hypnotist for weight loss. at first I was kinda skeptical cause really I don't really believe in that stuff but at night I go on youtube and listen it keeps me motivated and focused so far it is working you could maybe give that a try. its under Ultimate Weight Loss Hypnosis-- 30 day challenge lose weight fast. I started it 2 days ago and each time I fall asleep to it and I wake up refreshed and ready to do what I need to do as far as exersize and eating right.... The other thing I am trying is an online course for belly dancing. there is regular belly dancing and there is belly dancing for workout im not sure if anyone is interested in that but that as well is on youtube...
  • TinaGA2015
    TinaGA2015 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm only 5'9", but feel free to add me for support
  • desaree01
    desaree01 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'11" as well and my goal is to lose 80 this year. I've broke it up into 20lbs every three months. It's very attainable and its not pushing too hard. But If you want to add me as a friend for support I'm here.
  • Dancingrrl
    Dancingrrl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! Thanks for sharing your story. I am 6ft tall and also have 100lbs to loose. It sounds like we have a similar background with weight. While it takes a while to see weight gain on us tall gals it makes it hard to see when you loose as well. This has been frustrating for me. Add me as a friend! I am working on 10lbs at a time to make my goal seem more attainable. We can be each others cheerleaders! :D
  • I'm 5'9 and I have dealt with the same thing throught my life. I'm looking to lose around 60 lbs! Fill free to add me anyone
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Same here. 5'11. 75 pounds to lose.

    I don't think in terms of pounds. I make food and fitness goals. That makes it easier for me.

    I used to make up a lot of excuses and justifications for my weight. The truth is that I ate the wrong food, too much, and did not exercise. I had a lot of "reasons" for my problems. Working 70 hours a week, family, kids,, stress, depression. For some reason pizza was easier to eat than salad with a chicken breast? And I rebelled from diet and exercise. I just did not want to do it. And last year gained another 40 pounds. The denial had to stop.

    Since starting my new fitness plan, I have been dragging a bit...but I force myself to exercise 5x a week. No excuses. None. And believe me, I have plenty!

    Same with food. My family eats what I make, or they get their own food. I eat protein and veggies. No pasta, bread...low carb diet.

    We are on a journey to better health.
  • KymmyJoy
    KymmyJoy Posts: 206 Member
    This thread makes my life! Just short of 6foot and having a real struggle at the moment. Trapped in a vicious cycle of.... I have eaten too unhealthily, gained weight and don't like how I look. This makes me unhappy so I know that eating well and exercising does make me feel better but I just keep taking the easier comfort option. Then I'm mad at myself and go around in the same cycle again.

    I find my work life balance really tough, I'm working so much at the moment that when I finish going to the gym just feels awful (again, I DO know that I would feel better if I went than just going home to waste a couple of hours and sleep)

    I don't know how much support I need- think I need an *kitten* kicking more than anything. If anybody wants to add me and tell me off for not logging that would be greeeeat. Happy to help people who also need a shove in the right direction- or some praise for their efforts.

  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    Not as tall as most of the ladies on here, but 5'8! Feel free to add me for help and motivation!

    I've always struggled with my weight too. Carbs will be the death of me! Looking to loose a few lbs (around 15-20) and tone up!
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I am 6', started at 293, currently 210, aiming to be 180. I know how hard it can be to have much in common with more petite women's goals. I've been active on MFP for almost a year and am well into this process - feel free to add me! You also might be interested in joining the Tall Women group.
  • Mech9
    Mech9 Posts: 252 Member
    5'10" here, and I have 60 lbs to go (down 20). I'm taking the weight loss 10 lbs at a time, too! I also struggle with emotional eating.

    Feel free to add me. :]
  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    5'10.5" here...115ish to go until I'm around my goal weight. I'm not a big fan of the BMI charts so I've chosen to go down to around 180 but LEAN and STRONG. Muscle weighs more than fat! :)

    Feel free to add me - I'm just starting on this journey so I need all the buds and support I can get! :)