4 week chall anyone?

Hype Posts: 349
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support

I was wondering if anyone fancied a four week challenge!??! Im open to ideas on what do exercise wise - but maybe thought we could set a goal weight for the 5th June? I thought we could weigh in on a Sunday, post any other info you want, i.e. body fat, inches lost, bmi etc.

If anyones interested let me know and ill make a new post every Sunday....

Maybe we could say we will do at least three hours exercise a week? Or do a certain amound of a certain exercise per week? Im open to suggestions....Let me know :)


  • ohdear1986
    ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in! will weigh this friday as normal then post my results on Sunday. well i do at least an hr exercise mon-fri but nothing on weekends (oops)
  • stephaniehope
    stephaniehope Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in!! I was thinking, if people use the Nike Training Club app (its free!), we could do something along those lines, but I'm open to other ideas.

    Either way, count me in!
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm interested. Haven't seen the Nike training club but will have a look when I get at home - I'm at work right now and shouldn't really be on here ooops!! :laugh:
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    I would like to try this again. Tried to participate in others but the info. got lost and people dropped out. If there is a good way of tracking everyone's progress I'd love to participate.

    Let me know what I'm supposed to do and when I'm supposed to do it. I currently exercise at least 30 mins. every day (7/wk) but am always up for a challenge as I seem to do better this way.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    Me! I shoot for at least 30 minutes 6 days per week and I'd really like to step up my losses!
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Count me in!
  • kmjp828
    kmjp828 Posts: 2
    I am IN!!! I started this about a month ago and have lost 3 pounds. I havent changed my eating habits just yet, only calorie intake and I just really started working out about 2 weeks ago on a consistent basiss, so I am excited about my results thus far. I'm definitely up for the challenge to kick this weight loss in gear!!! I havent measured myself and will try to do that this week!!!! Good Luck All!!!

    CW: 251
    GW: 190
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    yeah i'm in!! i'm the UK - will that matter? (if you are not) i have heard about that nike app - will look in to it tonight or tomorrow. I'm not surei feel comfortable posting my weight yet though - is that silly?

    V x
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I am also UK based :) I have the Nike Training app its a good app! But it leaves me hurting for a few days :( so i cant do exercise the days after.

    How about the first challenge being something along the lines of up your current exercise by 15 mins or 30 mins ? Next Sunday we could have a different challenge i.e. walking so many minutes a week or doing push-ups?

    I tend to do something every day, and take it easier on Sundays.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    I would love to join in! I usually weigh in on saturdays or sundays anyway :) plus I started doing ea sports active 2 workouts monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    How about giving up a bad habit of food or drink for a week? Maybe its one of your guilty pleasures? Maybe if you can resist chocolate - just go a week without it? Or fizzy drinks or something?

    Every Sunday ill post a post called 'loose it week 1' with the right week
  • ohdear1986
    ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
    oh, please don't ban coffee. very much needed at 7am with 3hrs sleep!! can't function without it, i have tried but after 3 days i can barely sleep. coffee withdrawal causes horrendous headaches!
    watch you ban coffee lol, as long as i can have 2-3 cups a day i am in! i currently drink between 6-10 cups a day eeek
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'd like in. Week 1:

    Get back to drinking only water

    Get to the gym three times, and walk ten miles. (Time at the gym can be included in my ten miles.)
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Fab idea! We can set our own personal bans and goals :) and we can all encourage!


    Add me as a friend :)

    I am going to get in 40 minutes at least a day of exercise - this is my 30 day shred, my Zumba and crunches and push-ups. (Sundays may be 20) and I am going to make sure i drink my water a day! This week NO FIZZY DRINKS (unless at a bottomless drink restaurant place).

  • stephaniehope
    stephaniehope Posts: 23 Member
    I love the idea of the challenges varying from week to week! Plus, that will keep it fresh and exciting!! Let's do it!
  • dnytna
    dnytna Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I am relatively new to the site. But, I would love to be included in this challenge. Thanks!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    So, I realized while I was on my walk today that my husband's birthday is in exactly one month. And I had set certain goals for that day - one was to lose 25 pounds by then. In the eight weeks since setting that goal, I lost 12. That leaves me 13 to lose in four weeks. Dunno if that will happen, but I want to add it to this challenge since it coincides with that original goal.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Im in :smile:

    This week: I've just started the Insanity program and I know that you hurt like hell for the 1st week. so my challenge is to keep going with it for the whole week and to not have any crisps (potato chips to you American peeps).

    Add me as a friend :happy:

    Good luck everyone!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I'd love to participate! I need to get back on track and this will be a great way to do it!

    Here are my goals:

    -- Get back into the gym at least four days a week for at least 45 mins
    -- Eat at least two more servings of fruits and veggies each day
    -- Get to the point of doing 10 regular push ups (Right now I can do 3-4)

    I think that's a good start and if I lose weight along the way, even better. =0)
  • nyreesm
    nyreesm Posts: 6
    I am in as well, I am just starting on this site, as well as working out on a regular basis....every please add me as a friend I need serious motivation lol
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