gained back the weight I lost! tips?

This past spring/summer I got to my lowest weight in years, completing a weight loss of close to 50 pounds. I've been struggling with my mental health and I constantly overeat. I'm disappointed in myself for gaining back so much. Any tips? Has anyone also been through this?


  • sugargrammy45
    sugargrammy45 Posts: 251 Member
    Well I certainly have been through it. For me, the first thing I had to do was forgive myself and stop thinking about what I had gained back. Instead, I just see today as today. I don't see it as tomorrow or as yesterday. Each day is "today". Don't beat yourself up anymore, or you will forget who you are. Today, do what you have to do and you will feel better and better about who you are as a person.
  • sugargrammy45
    sugargrammy45 Posts: 251 Member
    I wanted to mention something else. My daughter is the one who suggested MFP to me. Although she also uses another program she still uses MFP. She lost over 100 pounds a few years back. When she had only lost a little of half, she got involved with Zumba and lost the rest. Now she is a Certified Zumba instructor. For her, this has worked. She started to gain a couple of pounds but used her Zumba commitment to get back on track. Find something that will keep you committed. It works!
  • rebeccaboger
    rebeccaboger Posts: 1 Member
    Hello :) 5 yrs ago I lost 50 pounds and I kept it off until last year...I got in a new relationship and the happy weight just climbed's been a up and down process mentally...I went from being skinny in an unhealthy relationship to being heavy in a happy relationship with my now future's what I am doing because I definetly feel your frustration...I am just trying to wake up everyday and trying to pick good foods and get my body long as I do that I know I will get back to where I want to be! You can do it :)
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Been there, done that. I lost 70 pounds and gained 30 back, lost the 30, gained 15 back. My goal weight is down 50 from where I am now. Its a weightloss journey. For some people the journey lasts a lifetime and I am one of them. You started and succeeded once before and you can do it gain. Good luck!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    How did you lose 50lbs before? Do the same thing? Or just eat at a caloric deficit which is waht this website is for.
  • karenefwalsh
    karenefwalsh Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat! I lost a good bit of weight a year and a half ago, and put it all back on. I have about 40 pounds to lose now, and I'm finding that I need motivation and support to keep going (so posting here and asking for support is a great step!).

    I have friends that I am in contact with every day who help me when I feel weak - I will email or text and say, "Eek! I want to shove food in my face!" and they help talk me down. I also have a coworker who will go for walks when I need to get up and move, or need to get away from the idea of eating something unhealthy.
    Moving is another key for me. Like SugarGrammy's daughter, I need to find something I like other than walking that will burn more calories. But, I have learned over the years that I HAVE to exercise and move in some way or I won't lose.

    Best of luck to you. You can do it!