Need to lose a whole other person and then some!

Need to lose a whole other person and then some!

Okay – I for one have been overweight my whoooooole life… I have done Nutri-System which worked well but once you’re off the pre-packed food and have to do it yourself sucked for me…
I tried TOPS but I was in my teens and they were all old and I felt like they didn’t get me and I know I didn’t get them so that flopped…

I have one sister who would blow away in a mild wind and another (the one who got me on here actually) who is doing great in her weight gain but has no idea what it feels like to lose enough weight to make almost 2 other people!
So….. What I am trying to do is get together a support group of people that are in the same position – we all need to lose more than 50lbs.

I am a mom with 4 step-kids (12/8/6/5) in the home and an 8 month old daughter and they said I couldn’t have kids ha-ha-ha.
If this is you please friend me and send me a note about you.


  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    I'm not adding any new friends right now because I have a hard time keeping up with the ones I do have, but I did want to say that you are not alone and that you CAN do this. The first two weeks are HARD so don't give up! It'll get better and before you know it, you'll be in a groove that'll work for you.

    Good luck and Congratulations on taking the first and most important step!
  • MsCaramel1
    MsCaramel1 Posts: 18 Member
    I wanna lose about 50 lbs or more, ive tried diets too. Medical weight loss i lost 65 lbs...but gained it back. Weight watchers i lost 44 lbs gained 30 back after my knee surgery and all but this time im determined....ill help u if u help me...lets go!!!
  • Sabrina7
    Sabrina7 Posts: 2
    Hi I would love to join your support club...I have to lose a whooooole other person as well. About 100 + lbs in total - long term goal.
    I started using MFP about a month ago and feel the support would be a great asset.
  • ASUAlumniMamaof2
    Welcome! I began my weight loss journey back in January and I second what another poster said - the first two weeks ARE hard but you can do it and you will do it.

    I have lost just under 50lbs (1 pound away) and would LOVE to lose another 50.

    Feel free to add me.
  • hrunyan
    hrunyan Posts: 3 Member
    I also need to lose a "whole other person and then some". I need to lose about 200lbs. I too have been over weight my entire life. I have 2 children (8/3). I have tried Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers to no avail. I guess I need more personal attention and support from others. I am trying to enroll in a program at my local YMCA that will provide me with a personalized fitness plan and fitness instructor for 8 weeks. Hopefully this should get me off to a good start.

    I hope that we can be "buddies" and others like us can join in and support each other. I hope to be more active with this site. I have not been on for about 6 months. But now that the weather is nice I hope to have some rejuvination!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member

    First, CONGRATULATIONS on taking a step in the right direction! You are in the right place!

    Second, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I too have an adult/child/small pet to lose!

    I will send you a friend request and we will do this together =)
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I have to lose a total of 256 pounds... so that's a WHOLE OBESE PERSON to get to my ultimate goal... I set my ticker for 186 pounds to start with and then I will re-evaluate from there.

    I started this journey on March 7, 2011. I have a 5 year old daughter and I am a single mom, working full time. I have lost almost 44 pounds so far and I have many, many more to go!

    Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS for taking charge and starting your new life with us!