Lose weight support each other avoid lactose and gluten with home workouts

I am happy to say that after struggling with a lot of stomach problems (due to probably lactose or gluten intolerance) and after several diets I think I found a method that works for me! Since november I started dieting although I had my ups and downs as in cheating on the diet and now the last weeks I just ate whatever I wanted (wasn't on a diet then) I didn't have the awfull jojo effect I mean I lost 4 kg and they are gone despite being 2 weeks on a break I maintained the weight where I left of! So now it doesn't feel like I am starting again but just continuing of where I left off. I've done an protein dieet before and I just broke that one off and I just gained so much wheight I even went over my starters weight.... Now I've being reading all about the Paleo diet (i mainly picked this one since they avoid gluten and lactose ..... :-D Bye bye stomach aches :-D I am not strict so I still eat everything but keep the paleo diet principles and the benefit of raw foods and proteins in mind. I am also reading the Becks solution to keep me motivated! For me it was a quiete easy transfer since I was already avoiding gluten and lactose and I still sometimes indulge for pasta or rice or bread ..... Just not with every meal! Annyone also on this kinda diet ? (Next to that when I ate to much I try to do some rope skipping and some basic exercices to tone my body) always workouts at home!
Since currently not able to join a gym!

I am just looking to support other people and get supported by other people to keep up the good work!
So add me if you have a like minded diet or mind..... :-D


  • yosassi
    yosassi Posts: 30 Member
    hey! i do home work outs and share a similar diet in that i am lactose intolerant and surrounded by friends who are gluten-free. i also am a part of a bunch of support and accountability groups on facebook. would you be interested in connecting on facebook? let me know! it is easier for me to keep up on facebook than on my fitness pal :)