New Looking for support

Hello everyone I am Jennifer. I am a stay at home mom of 2 boys (7 and 5). I have successfully lost 80 pounds before and everything was going well until this time last year when the weight started creeping back up (I became less active, and my eating habits suffered). I gained 20 pounds back. Then we moved to Ohio. I don't know anyone here, I live in an apartment with neighbors below who complain if you sneeze to loudly, and where good produce is an hour drive away. Needless to say I put on another 30 pounds, UGH! So I really could use some support in trying to lose the weight. Currently I am 196 pounds, I would love to drop down to at least 150 with a stretch goal of 130 (I am only 5'6 so that's a healthier range for me). Thanks.


  • Hi. My name is Angela. Where in Ohio do you live? I'm in Cincinnati. . I hear ya about the weight creeping on. I was very active up till I was,24 then I got pregnant with My second child and my guy left me. And the weight just started packing on after I gave birth. I had my 3rd kids when I was 26. My self stem plummeted after being in an abusive relationship with my son's dad. I got out of that and some therapy later I'm Hell bent to start loving myself agAin. I've got 70 pounds to lose.
  • I am in the weird, closed off college town of Ashland. An hour away from everything, surrounded by endless arrays of fast food chains, a crappy Walmart, foreign to me Amish country, and a cheese barn. The only thing to do here is eat! I am losing my mind!!!