Feeling Guilty because I feel like I'm eating to much

Hi every one. I started my diet 6 days ago armed with my fitbit flex. A Christmas present from a dear friend of mine. I'm 58 years old and have reached a whopping 122 Kilos. Anyway I've dusted of the treadmill and after 4 days have my exercise routine up to 2 X 20 minute sessions a day at 3.6 Kph. I feel like I'm eating to much using MFP. For example for breakfast today I had a instant 3 in 1 coffee with a fried egg on a dry piece of toast. For lunch I had 150 grams of skinless roasted chicken meat, 160 grams of boiled potato, 100 grams of boiled cabbage, 100 grams of boiled cauliflower, 65 grams of boiled carrot and 100grams of baked beans in tomato sauce. My plate looked massive but only came in at 648 calories. I still have over 600 calories to eat for the day and I'm feeling quite full. Yesterday I tried to complete my food log at around 1000 calories and MFP suggested I was not eating enough. so far today I have only consumed 850 calories. I have even googled the calorie counts for the foods I have been eaten to make sure they were correct. All that being said the scales have me down to 120 kilos, has my problem just been eating to much of high calorie foods. Anyway hoping to reach next Christmas at a more respectable 90 kilos.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    You're eating a large volume of low calorie foods. Check your protein, fat and carbohydrate goals - are you falling short in any paraticular area? It doesn't look like you're getting much fat.

    If this is the case, add some fats to your cooking - oils, butter, cheese, etc. to bring your calorie intake up to a healthy level without adding more bulk of food.
  • RichardEvans42
    RichardEvans42 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the advice KarenJanine. I guess I'm just not used to hearing things like add some fats to your diet.
  • ingovals
    ingovals Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new as well and I was so sure that I was doing something wrong, I rarely felt hungry and even felt like I was eating more than I used to. I soon realized that healthy foods seems to keep you fuller.

    One thing I noticed was that I was always walking into the kitchen to grab something, not really hungry just habit. I would normally have grabbed a biscuit, cookie or some candy. Now I just remember that I'm not really hungry and shouldn't eat. This was probably what got my weight up in the first place, not my meals.

    Remember to look for healthy fat, oils and avocado for example. I've made guacamole at home to compliment some meals (which I would have used sauce before).
  • AliluniqueLaura
    AliluniqueLaura Posts: 43 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you put your food in your MFP diary it will give you calorie totals for each item. Measure and weigh everything. You might want to split up your meals so you are not eating huge meals twice a day. 1 ounce of mixed lightly salted nuts will give you 170 or so calories and they satisfy. They also contain healthy fats. I eat 5 or 6 times a day. Good luck to you!
  • RichardEvans42
    RichardEvans42 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for your input Ingovals I'm glad to hear you have noticed the difference too. I don't drink soda any more and I'm giving fruit the priority over candy and biscuits. I'll have to find some more fatty healthy foods to add to my menu. Avocado sounds great.