Fitness buddies

Hi! looking for fitness buddies. Really need continual motivation to get fit for summer. Trying to keep this up for 5 months! Motivation much appreciated and returned!


  • I'm doing my lst 5 K (walk) in April. sometimes when i get home its hard get in my do any workouts but keeping focused for April iI try to do a least half hour of something. Short goal but something to reach. Keeping a food diary is most helpfull too
  • tharmon261988
    tharmon261988 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Needing a fitness buddy as well!!
  • Same here ✌️
  • MelsFitLife
    MelsFitLife Posts: 106 Member
    Add me, I need motivation too!
  • jorodri7
    jorodri7 Posts: 1,025 Member
    Likewise I need it for sure. Especially when have temptations all around you!
  • rhiathomas0902
    rhiathomas0902 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me...need buddies
  • Trying to get that bikini body before summer! Would love friends going the same way :smile:
    My username is a joke, don't take it seriously :wink:
  • I am the same! Need help keeping motivation up through this cold winter. Feel free to add me