Mommy over here! Looking to get back to pre-pregnancy size! NO MORE EXCUSES!



  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Another mom trying to lose the baby weight. It's awful seeing my old clothes hanging in the closet getting lonely lol.
    Lol i know what you mean! The best part about after losing all this weight is....SHOPPING SPREE! lol not to mention the amount of money we'll save on clothes since they jack the prices up on us big girls.

  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    mcnair0705 wrote: »
    hi everyone. a mom myself of a 10 & 12 year old. always have struggled and have tried many ways to lose weight. could never stick with any and gave up. last year I started on the Herbalife nutrition plan and have lost 33 lbs and kept it off. I still have a way to go but finally found something that is working for me. 80% nutrition 20% exercise

    Ooh tell me more about the Herbalife. :) Are you still doing it or did you find another gameplan for the 80%-20%? :) Its amazing, you have to LOVE those double digits gone!
  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! :) I'm 20 too and also struggle with my weight. I was a normal, healthy weight growing up, but was still called fat for some reason. Looking back, I wasn't fat AT ALL, yet I still listened to the bullies and believed I was. Last year I was in a bad place and became depressed and put a load of weight back on, making me the biggest I've ever been. The scales in my house broke and so I didn't even really notice until most of my clothes became too tight :'( I'm mentally much better now though and so motivated more than ever to get healthy again! It'll be a long process, but I'm in it for the long run :)
    Im glad you're back in the game :) I think realizing it will be a long process made doing this a whole lot easier. I'm so tired of seeing these miracle diets and miracle pills advertised all over the Tv and internet. I found myself going "no, what you need is to excersise and eat right.." then is was like "DING! look whos talking, Raven. There is your solution!" LOL
  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Raven! We are close in starting weight. I started this journey in September at 332. I'm currently down to 280, so it can be done. I have two wild crazy (yet times) boys at home, ages 4 and 7. My house was and is still full of junk food. We lead a very busy rush rush kind of life most days, so poptarts and other not-so-good-for-us foods have hung around the house as they are easy to hand to a child as we run out the door, late again for the 100th time this school year.

    It's not easy, but it is do-able as a mom and provider. I was a single mom for 4 years so I remember how it is. Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for new friends along this journey.
    Request SENT! You look fantastic! <3 Good for you girl! And yes i completely get the junk food. Unfortunately I live in a house with my mom still and siblings and I dont really get a say in what they stock up on, which is usually the worst stuff for you :(
  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I relate to you 100%!! I'm a momma to one toddler and I gained 100 lbs that I can't get rid of. My goal weight is 180. Love to chat! Add me!

    I think I gained about 100 pounds too during pregnancy and another over the past two years :/ i was and still am dissapointed that I didn't take care of myself. But the only way to make it right is to fix it!
  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Raven ...I am Megan ....this time around I need to lose 98lbs...I was on MFP back in 09/2010 where I lost 78lbs then life and tragic things got in my way and I gave up and deleted my account from here of course I gained it back and then some .... but I am back with more determination than ever....I am a single mom to a beautiful 9 year old daughter ...wishing you much success ..feel free to add me
    Aww man that is hard! I'm by your side honey! And I wish you the BEST on your journey! :)

  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    Mom of 4 here (10, 7 ,6 & 9 months). I'm a returning MFP-er. Lost 50 lbs my year but gained back 43 with my daughter. So here I am again. I'm wanting to lose a total of 70 lbs. Feel free to add me and anyone else. Good luck on your journey!

    We're right here with you! I will send a request!
  • FitForMaddy
    FitForMaddy Posts: 46 Member
    I had my baby boy back in October. I have lost all the 29 lbs I gained during pregnancy. I would like to get back to my ideal weight and want to lose another 17. Feel free to add me!
    Awesome :) sending request now!

  • Hi there! I'm also getting back on the horse with about 75 pounds to lose. I live in the rice village area and would love a motivation / walking/ gym buddy!