Question about metabolism and cravings....

Okay so this topic has probably been posted a million times if I scroll down and actually look, but I don't have a lot of time, so I'm just going to post a new thread. I have the issue of not being hungry in the morning AT ALL... in fact it almost makes me nauseous to think of food some mornings. I know I'm not alone in this. I actually don't start feeling hungry until mid afternoon around 1-2pm. I try to eat SOMETHING.. a banana, some yogurt, etc... because I've heard that you should always have something in the morning to jump start your metabolism. I don't know if this is a fact but it sounds good. Then I find that I feel like I'm starving most of the evening especially after dinner because I tend to stay up late. My question... what can I do about my morning issue and does it really matter if I eat something or not? Also- any tips on staying fuller at night without going over on my calories?


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Yes, eating breakfast is important. If you force yourself to eat a little something within 45 minutes of waking up, you will soon find that you wake up hungry.

    As for being hungry at night....if you are hungry, that's your body telling you something. Try to space out your daily available calories so that you have some leftover when the late hungries come a calling.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    You should eat in the morning or as early as you can. As for being hungry later, I would ask what you are eating in the evening and how much protein. Maybe a protein snack in the evening would be helpful, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shake (25gr or more) or a protein bar (17gr or more) would be helpful.

    Eating protein is what keeps you fuller longer. Maybe a protein shake in the morning would be easier for your body to tolerate.

    Good Luck and keep us posted.
  • katihamlin
    katihamlin Posts: 41
    Maybe your schedule is a little off - if you stay up too late you're missing out on the 8 hours your body should be getting. If you go to bed late and wake up late there isn't much morning and you're probably not hungry because you're fatigued. You should be eating within 30 mins of waking up so your body has fuel for the work you're doing during the day. Also, when you're hungry after dinner, drink lots of water. It will help you feel fuller longer.
  • jeanneisfat
    jeanneisfat Posts: 15
    I have the same issue... I can't eat in the morning. I force myself to eat a granola bar about a half hour after I get up but I feel sick doing so! However, my doctor told me to eat something, even if it is only a small snack because it really makes a difference. I also stay up until the early morning hours and I used to snack A LOT... real midnight cravings! The only advice I can give you is to eat less at dinner, that is what I do and then at 9pm or so I have a snack, nothing real big, but maybe 100 calorie pack or something.. I also will have a light lemonade and I eat/drink this very slow... I know it probably sounds weird but it really has helped me cut back at night! Good luck with what you find helps you! Water is a very good idea at night but I tend to dislike water...
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Okay so this topic has probably been posted a million times if I scroll down and actually look, but I don't have a lot of time, so I'm just going to post a new thread. I have the issue of not being hungry in the morning AT ALL... in fact it almost makes me nauseous to think of food some mornings. I know I'm not alone in this. I actually don't start feeling hungry until mid afternoon around 1-2pm. I try to eat SOMETHING.. a banana, some yogurt, etc... because I've heard that you should always have something in the morning to jump start your metabolism. I don't know if this is a fact but it sounds good. Then I find that I feel like I'm starving most of the evening especially after dinner because I tend to stay up late. My question... what can I do about my morning issue and does it really matter if I eat something or not? Also- any tips on staying fuller at night without going over on my calories?

    Just a few months ago the thought of food before 10am (or 4 hours after I woke up on weekends) was nauseating. And I HATE getting up any earlier than I have to.

    Now, I get up earlier and eat a full breakfast every morning. Breakfast is just that important.

    Start small. Fruit was the best for me. I could munch on a handful of grapes or strawberries and spread them out a little.

    Add a little each day. Have a piece of toast a few days later. Maybe put something ON the toast, like peanut butter. A few days later, try some yogurt with that toast and fruit.

    If you have a nauseous day, take a small step back... then move forward again.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a night owl too, but so I work hard to get to sleep before midnight. Light at night suppresses melatonin production (the hormone of sleepiness) and stimulates cortisol. Cortisol ramps up blood sugar in my body (get a glucose monitor to see for yourself) and when that happens insulin goes up. If insulin is high all night it could keep you from being hungry in the morning. I know when I did an experiment to just use sunlight to drive our life for a week my kids woke up with ravenous appetites and they weren't interested in sweets, they wanted fat and protein. If we are doing things that ramp up cortisol (like staying up late/jet lag) we tend to get sweet tooth behavior.

    One thing to help subdue melatonin-suppression is use a nifty computer app called f.lux It will lower the blue content of your computer screen at night (making it very red tinged) which makes things easier on your eyes and does a trick to stop telling your brain that it's mid-day. Lower the rest of the lights around you to create a more orange/red-ish tone to things. No blaring blue lights screaming middle of the day - wake up! Get some food and wake up!

    Now this is my metabolism and YMMV, but I am finding it easier to eat a high fat/moderate protein diet. I put cream/coconut oil in my morning coffee and then I don't feel the need for other food until deep into the day. Good fats suppress my appetite. But I'm insulin resistant and autoimmune so this works for me. Take what works for you. (-:
  • PhoenyxRising
    PhoenyxRising Posts: 68 Member
    I have the same issue... I can't eat in the morning. I force myself to eat a granola bar about a half hour after I get up but I feel sick doing so! However, my doctor told me to eat something, even if it is only a small snack because it really makes a difference. I also stay up until the early morning hours and I used to snack A LOT... real midnight cravings! The only advice I can give you is to eat less at dinner, that is what I do and then at 9pm or so I have a snack, nothing real big, but maybe 100 calorie pack or something.. I also will have a light lemonade and I eat/drink this very slow... I know it probably sounds weird but it really has helped me cut back at night! Good luck with what you find helps you! Water is a very good idea at night but I tend to dislike water...

    I have the same issue... I really dislike water as terrible as that I do drink Sobe Lifewater though. The zero calorie kind is yummy, but I'm not sure if that counts as actual water intake.