New to community. Have been using MFP since June, had VSG in late October.

I really appreciate reading the personal posts of people who have gone thru this. I am in late 60s, have always been overweight; went thru several total fasts, and had unsuccessful "stomach stapling" in 1982. This is a last ditch effort -- and am happy that I am not hungry (they were right about that), but frustrated at feeling malnourished and weak. Lost @45 lbs in 4 months pre-op, 30 lbs since. Want to lose 50 more, although some might not be possible without surgery to remove sagging skin. Hope to get pointers and inspiration about nourishment, exercise and everything from you.


  • cmpleonard
    cmpleonard Posts: 15 Member
    hi! I am 7 days post op. I'm down 14 lbs so far. Doing ok so far. Transitioning into soft foods now. For some reason the MFP app isn't letting me friend people right now. Feel free to add me :)