Where my "skinny fat" people at?



  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    FWIW The first day I went to the gym with the goal to bypass the cardio and go into the separate free weight room... I had a panic attack and didn't get out of my car. I drove home and cried. BUT! I had a friend go with me and I overcame the fear. Now we lift together when we can but I've gotten used to the form/weights/atmosphere after only 3 lifting days. Don't let fear win :)
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    As for calories, set it to maintenance and aim for that number. Kick up your protein too!
  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    ajwall3 wrote: »
    As for calories, set it to maintenance and aim for that number. Kick up your protein too!

    MFP set my protein to 20% but I upped it to 25%. Eating maintenance calories and not eating back exercise calories. I hope I'm doing all the right things to change body composition :)
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    I'm new to this too so we'll figure it out together! Feel free to friend me! :smiley:
  • SR_86
    SR_86 Posts: 58 Member
    ajwall3 wrote: »
    I'm new to this too so we'll figure it out together! Feel free to friend me! :smiley:

    I have no idea how to do that lol
  • sappy42
    sappy42 Posts: 65 Member
    I think "skinny fat" is where I am as well :( I want desperately to lose the spare tire around my hips. I have the mommy belly hang as part of that. I'm doing Stronglifts right now but may not be able to progress if I can't find a gym that's affordable since I have limited free weight equipment and safety is an issue. Wish gyms would let you share memberships lol
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    edited February 2015
    Couple of things to keep in mind: 1) if one is truly "skinny fat" (I.e. Low level of fat free mass for one's height), that is usually a genetic body type. The prescription is still the same (resistance training), but the expectations also need to be realistic as to how many pounds of muscle can be gained. 2) having excess fat in an unwanted area is not necessarily "skinny fat". Fat distribution patterns are also inherited--someone who preferentially stores fat around the middle will struggle to become super lean and defined in that area, even if they achieve low levels of body fat.
  • primalsarah
    primalsarah Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2015
  • primalsarah
    primalsarah Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2015
    ajwall3 wrote: »
    I was beginning to see signs that I was losing muscle, becoming more soft than I wanted and it was because I was burning to much by running/elliptical and eating to little. I'm only running once a week (as opposed to 4 miles a day 6 days/wk) and heavy lifting with stronglifts 3x week. I'm eating at maintenance level (1710) as opposed as before (1200). Eat 1g protein fir 1 lb of body weight. I eat 115 a day. Eggs, good fats, protein powder helps me get half what I aim for. I was on my way to being SF but I had to stop and change my mindset before it got worse. I'd read up on it before and could tell that's where I was headed. I'm seeing a lot of good results after a week. Heavy weights and protein seem to be key.

    When you say "eat at maintenance" do you mean your TDEE at "couch potato/no exercise" or your TDEE with "exercise at blank times a week"??

    great info!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    OP-look up Stong lifts, Starting Strength, Strong Curves or the New Rules of Lifting For Women.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Was skinny fat. Decided to do a bulk while lifting heavy. Gained quite a bit of weight, now just a heavier jiggly version. Now working on a cut and hoping there was some muscle gain with the weight increase. Rinse and repeat.
  • dwolfe1985
    dwolfe1985 Posts: 100 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Was skinny fat. Decided to do a bulk while lifting heavy. Gained quite a bit of weight, now just a heavier jiggly version. Now working on a cut and hoping there was some muscle gain with the weight increase. Rinse and repeat.

    Yeah you and me both, was skinny fat now im just fat lol
  • tdc8557
    tdc8557 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow thanks for all the responses! I went to a real gym and lifted weights for the first time. You guys were right, it isn't nearly as scary as I thought. Maybe in a few months I'll check back in and be skinny fit ;)
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    edited February 2015
    Skinny fat here. Almost all of my excess weight is on my stomach; I know I may or may not be able to do much about that. I have been doing the "you are your own gym" program for a few months now, and eating at maintenance or slightly over. I know I've gained some muscle, which is great, but my measurements haven't changed one way or the other. I'm happy they haven't gone up, so I guess I'm accomplishing my goal. In 6 months I've gained about 4-5 pounds but so far it hasn't affected how my clothes fit. If it starts to I may have to rethink my plan.

    Edited to add: my profile photo is deceptive, those yoga pants have some kind of girdle-like effect because my stomach is actually bigger than that.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    edited February 2015
    tdc8557 wrote: »
    Anyone else here dealing with the skinny fat problem? If so, how did you tone yourself up to being skinny fit? Having some ab definition would be nice right now.

    Here,here :D (48 kilos,161 sm)I just don't know what am I doin wrong. I work with heavy weights (for me they are heavy, 10 kilo and 4) but maybe it takes time idk and more protein
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    ajwall3 wrote: »
    I was beginning to see signs that I was losing muscle, becoming more soft than I wanted and it was because I was burning to much by running/elliptical and eating to little. I'm only running once a week (as opposed to 4 miles a day 6 days/wk) and heavy lifting with stronglifts 3x week. I'm eating at maintenance level (1710) as opposed as before (1200). Eat 1g protein fir 1 lb of body weight. I eat 115 a day. Eggs, good fats, protein powder helps me get half what I aim for. I was on my way to being SF but I had to stop and change my mindset before it got worse. I'd read up on it before and could tell that's where I was headed. I'm seeing a lot of good results after a week. Heavy weights and protein seem to be key.
    Is soy protein good ? (I am vegan so I can not eat animal products)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Can I be skinny fet? E being the vowel between A and I.
    Little old lady here. I lift heavy for me.
    That means most of my lifting is dumb bells and body weight, but have moved onto the oly bar for dead lifts. Working on 5x5 moving to the oly bar one exercise at a time.
    Had no problem walking into the gym at the local rec centre, explaining to the on duty trainer what I wanted to achieve, and getting him to show me where to start. He was a little bemused because most, at my age, do the rounds of the machines.
    I find, being small 5'1 100lb and 61, that I am playing a constant catch up game with my muscles. They want to deteriorate as I am trying to build them.
    I keep my protein at 80g as that is my approx LBM.

    Just take a deep breath and walk in. Lifters don't bite.

    Cheers, h.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Just take a deep breath and walk in. Lifters don't bite.

    Well, some of us do. But I'm current on my shots.
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    I am! I run (when not injured) and doing other cardio and have really amped up doing some weights now my foot can hold my weight better. I need to motivate myself after not doing much for 4 weeks.