Back Pain -- PLEASE READ!!!



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I used to think that too. BUT, after my most recent back injury, the chiropractor was able to get me to a functioning point to where I was able to do more than just writhe around on the floor in pain. It was a weekend and right after Christmas. (I ended up having 3 blown discs and needed surgery.)
    I am currently doing physical therapy and have been for several weeks now. There are LOTS of similarities in practice and even many of the exercises are the same. PT doesn't contort me and then jump on me like a professional wrestler like the Chiro guy did. (I thought he "liked me" :-O) CT and MRI are the definitive diagnostic tools.
    My suggestion is look up push ups, only keeping your hips on the floor, core strengthening exercises, My current favorite thing is the giant exercise ball thingy to roll out my back. Good luck!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Chiropractors are a scam for the most part. Most studies show you will heal just as fast doing nothing as going to a chiro. Go see a spine specialist, in other words a REAL DOCTOR (MD, Neuro, etc...). More than likely they will not be able to properly diagnose you until you have an MRI.

    Actually, the chiropractor I saw after I injured my back at the end of 2005 did me more harm than good. Admittedly, my first two sessions really helped but after that, he hindered, rather than helped. When he began working on my neck (I was in a car accident in the early '90s), I was in agony for days, and couldn't turn my head! When I told him at my next session, he just said "That shouldn't have happened". No *kitten*! I stopped going after that!

    By far the best and most lasting treatment I've had has been reflexology. I've been under a physio at the hospital too, and while it was OK, it wasn't great. Reflexology however, was brilliant. I should warn any one going for treatment - you may well feel nauseous for half an hour after your first session. And your legs may be wobbly. But these are a small price to pay!

    One other thing - I've found that jogging has really helped my back. It seems counter-intuitive to me because walking for long distances/long amounts of time, hurts by back a lot; however, jogging seems to have the opposite effect!

    But of course, what works/doesn't work for me, may not be the same for you. If I were in your shoes, I would get checked out by a professional before embarking on any course of treatment. I hope you get it sorted out soon. Back pain is such a misery (which of course, you know).
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I've gone to a chiropractor my whole life, and they can be fantastic. Just like with any other professional, you might need to go to a couple before you find one that clicks with your needs. They can often reduce pain immediately, though sometimes it takes a couple days, and sometimes there are other misalignments at play and it takes longer. I see my chiro every other week, and feel so much looser, relaxed, and flexible than I do when I go long stretches without.

    Remember other things too, like your bed, pillow, posture come in to play with your back pain. So you might need to make other adjustments too.
  • RRS1983
    RRS1983 Posts: 18
    I really appreciate all the possibilites you've come up with. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me!!!

    Once I get insurance at the end of the month, my first stop will be my doctor!

    I used to teach pilates, and need to get back into it. Although, even though my abs were AWESOME, my lower back would still flair up...but, here's to working on the ol' abs! :)
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    I didn't read the other replies so sorry if I am repeating anything. I used to have a ton of back issues and I thought it was from wrestling my entire life. I went to see a doctor found out I had a bulging disc. To fix it he gave me a series of 3 shots and it worked. I didn't have the pain again until I put on weight.
    Now I am about 30 pounds down from the last time my back hurt. I am still about 25-30 lbs from my goal weight but my back hasn't hurt at all in the past month or two! Nothing fixes a back like losing the extra weight we lug around all day. Lose that 22 lbs you are trying to lose and see if that helps.

    P.S. I had the same issues as you. I used to pull my back out bending over to tie my shoes.
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