Motivation / support friends

Hi, my name is Carmen. Honestly the first time i joined i lasted like a month. Now that i look back at it, it was so hard because i was setting outrageous goals. However, now that i'm back i've accepted that my weight is not going to fall off in just a few weeks. One friend of mine suggested to get friends to aid with questions, and for the extra support. So here i am reaching out to you guys. I hope to make as many friends as possible. I'm working towards a healthier me.


  • jessmello03
    jessmello03 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome back! Sounds like you have a new and improved attitude! I too,used to set hefty goals for myself,only to be disappointed and give up after a month. Realizing we can only do this one day at a time is so important to success. It's hard at times but reaching those goals makes it so worth it. Having other people cheering you on is definitely a huge plus! Feel free to add me and best wishes to you on your journey!!
  • Thank you, i will add you soon okay. :)