Goal is to lose 120lb ~ would love some motivation!

Trying to finally get in shape and stick with it. I've lost weight in the past, but due to my inconsistencies I've gained it back. Would love some motivation on here. Currently have lost 10lbs since the new year. My goal is to lose 10lbs a month, hope I can continue to do so. Please add me if you would like to stay accountable. Pray you meet all of your health goals!


  • PatrickG42
    PatrickG42 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to help you reach your goals ... I need to lose another 100 pounds to hit my goal!
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you Patrick, we can encourage each other! This year I've decided to make small changes at a time, instead of going cold turkey on certain foods. Thought I would give a disclaimer as you read my diary
  • genericuser138
    genericuser138 Posts: 15 Member
    I like that you said cold turkey. I always compare weight loss to quitting smoking when I think about it. I always have the one isn't okay mentality even though I give into food temptations recently. But good luck on your journey!
  • Clairpooh25
    Clairpooh25 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! I've lost 120 pounds
  • emiliamay_
    emiliamay_ Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck on your journey, we're with you every step :)
    10lbs every month is gonna be really tough, don't get discouraged if it doesn't always work out, just push a little harder and remember to reward yourself for the smaller victories (like with a spa/manicure day!).
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement! That's a great idea emiliamay! Thank for your advice
  • tdlntrpze
    tdlntrpze Posts: 12 Member
    You and I are kindred spirits. I too have 100lbs to lose. We will keep each other on track. Add me.
  • dellafwhite67
    dellafwhite67 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to help you as well. I need to lose about 100 lbs myself and need to have some accountability. I found a gym just 1/2 mile from where I live so I walk there instead of driving. Looks like we can all help each other complete our goals. I have cut out all processed foods entirely. Only eat real meat, vegetables and fruits. I feel so much better and feel like working out by getting rid of the bad foods. I can't give up coffee though. I have lost 27 lbs since December 1st and still losing.
  • I have about 90 to go. I lost 45-50 in the last 7 months but I'm losing motivation. Add me and we can work together for support.
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement!!

    Great job dellafwhite on your progress! That's AWESOME especially during the holiday season!!

    You've done AMAZING mommeofthree!! Keep strong, you don't want to stop and gain back the progress you made. Take it day by day and set small achievable goals each week!

    Sent friend requests to all
  • Tomschwartz28
    Tomschwartz28 Posts: 4 Member
    Write it down everyday, you can do it!
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Same here! 120lbs to go! Feel free to add!
  • bronzeambition
    bronzeambition Posts: 39 Member
    Hey :) I'm Carmen and I've got 97 pounds left to lose. I added you! Anyone else, feel free to add me!
  • 1taunya2
    1taunya2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Taunya here...I have 113 left to go. I started in January and am down 18 pounds so far....those were the easy ones! I'd love to support and be supported by any who are willing to add me!
  • ctull04
    ctull04 Posts: 1 Member
    Wish you the best of luck I want to drop 30 lbs and be an even 200
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    Great advice @Tomschwartz28‌!

    Thank you @1taunya2‌ I'd love to be support buddies on here! Congratulations on your progress so far!!

    Thank you @ctull04‌! You got this! Keep up the good work!
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    That's great @x311Tifa‌! I'll add you!

    Nice to meet you Carmen, I'm Nistha! Thank you for the add! @bronzeambition‌
  • nzfishas
    nzfishas Posts: 8 Member
    Where is everyone from by the way? I live in North Carolina
  • CaoimheMariexo
    CaoimheMariexo Posts: 122 Member
    Goodluck girl! Hope you reach your goal :-)
    I suggest not weighing yourself and instead take measurements. The scales can be pretty discouraging!
  • 1taunya2
    1taunya2 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm from Washington State.