Starting over...

MrsMRo220 Posts: 62 Member
I started in December, but kicked it into high gear January 1st.

I'm now 199, I was 211 when I started! I'm hoping to get back down to 120.

I know that sounds crazy, but having three kids back to back and not paying attention to what you eat, can do crazy things to your body!

I'm currently though, looking at a smaller picture. I'm trying to loose just 30 lbs before summer. I'd rather take on smaller goals, to make it even smaller I mostly concentrate on what's going on during the week, like 2 lbs to loose a week.

I am worried about skin though. I workout, cardio, every day, and walk almost every day. I'm worried I'll have that loose skin ive seen some have after loosing a lot of weight. What can I do to prevent that?

Also, I can tell I'm loosing weight and "toning up" like under my chest area, but my lower stomach is still like big and pushed out..I'm not sure how to describe it other than one big roll that hangs down (mommy tummy from having kids) anything I can do to work on that more?! That and my arms are the worst sports on me :(


  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    I inittially started in Jan 2012 I was 162 then by May 2013 I was 130 and became pregnant. I had my baby Feb 2013 and I was 170, I started dieting again March 2013 and I was 152 at that time when I started again. In November 2013 I was 136 but since then, i went down hill. With my bday and the holidays, I'm now at 145.6 :( I plan to go hard again. Diet and workout. I'm planning a wedding for March 2015 and I want to start dress shopping soon! If that doesn't motivate me, idk what will lol.
    I have the same issues with my belly. I think situps and workouts that focus on your abdomen are the only things that can help. Cardio is good too lose some lbs but then you gotta focus on toning up. Good luck!
  • MrsMRo220
    MrsMRo220 Posts: 62 Member
    I inittially started in Jan 2012 I was 162 then by May 2013 I was 130 and became pregnant. I had my baby Feb 2013 and I was 170, I started dieting again March 2013 and I was 152 at that time when I started again. In November 2013 I was 136 but since then, i went down hill. With my bday and the holidays, I'm now at 145.6 :( I plan to go hard again. Diet and workout. I'm planning a wedding for March 2015 and I want to start dress shopping soon! If that doesn't motivate me, idk what will lol.
    I have the same issues with my belly. I think situps and workouts that focus on your abdomen are the only things that can help. Cardio is good too lose some lbs but then you gotta focus on toning up. Good luck!

    Sounds just like me only different numbers! I added you if that's alright, I usually am on my phone app, but I had no friends lol. I think having friends might help. I'm trying to do strength training but it's hard. I have hard time finding time to work out so I do it when I can for as long as I can! I average anywhere form 10mins to 30 mins usually twice a day, usually walk for an hour.

    I'm really hoping my tummy will get a little smaller. It's bad :(
  • Shines01
    Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi. I'm right there with you. I kicked it into high gear the day after Christmas. After my second baby I was 230 and I'm down to 206 now. My goal is 150.

    There are a lot of things I have found to help both with the skin and with the lower belly. First of all make sure you are doing total body workouts not just working one area, that way you will get your cardio in and you will tone total body. Once you are where you want to be you can start spot toning. I have a ton of at home exercise DVD's I can recommend if you want.

    One of the biggest things about lower bellies after having kids is that the muscles are usually separated. So instead of sit ups doing more exercises like squats, walking, and running will help to tone them up naturally without causing damage. Core exercises like planks and standing crunches are also good.

    Drink a TON of water. This will help with the elasticity in your skin.

    I also take supplements to help me maintain control of my eating, increase my energy, and provide my body with minerals and nutrients that I cannot get from food. I'd love to recommend some if you have questions.

    I know this seems like a long road, and I will be taking it one day at a time with you. One day we will look up and look back on the journey and take a deep breath and stand tall and proud of all we accomplished. Good luck and feel free to friend me
  • MrsMRo220
    MrsMRo220 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi. I'm right there with you. I kicked it into high gear the day after Christmas. After my second baby I was 230 and I'm down to 206 now. My goal is 150.

    There are a lot of things I have found to help both with the skin and with the lower belly. First of all make sure you are doing total body workouts not just working one area, that way you will get your cardio in and you will tone total body. Once you are where you want to be you can start spot toning. I have a ton of at home exercise DVD's I can recommend if you want.

    One of the biggest things about lower bellies after having kids is that the muscles are usually separated. So instead of sit ups doing more exercises like squats, walking, and running will help to tone them up naturally without causing damage. Core exercises like planks and standing crunches are also good.

    Drink a TON of water. This will help with the elasticity in your skin.

    I also take supplements to help me maintain control of my eating, increase my energy, and provide my body with minerals and nutrients that I cannot get from food. I'd love to recommend some if you have questions.

    I know this seems like a long road, and I will be taking it one day at a time with you. One day we will look up and look back on the journey and take a deep breath and stand tall and proud of all we accomplished. Good luck and feel free to friend me

    I've been drinking ALOT of water, eating clean, I just workout in general, I've taken moves from a lot of different stuffs and do them, then I have like little apps with small workouts. I have 3 kids, 4 and under so I don't get a lot of time.

    For planks though, do you just do them for a minute, stop, and then do them again for a minute?
  • Hi Ladies:

    I'm brand new to this site. Never did anything like this before. A few years ago when still married to my ex husband, after 2 failed pregnancies and just life in general I was up to about 210 lbs. I'm 5'8" and was wearing a size 14. Then he and I started P90X and watching what we ate. Over the course of 3 months and then with the stress of our subsequent divorce, I droped down to 165 lbs, and a size 6. I was elated with my appearance, but still wanted to drop more. Then life happened again.

    A year ago I moved back to my hometown, reunited with my now current husband (my childhood/high school sweetheart), got a fantastic job with the state in my career field (whish is a sedentary job), and started back at school to finish my degree. I was overall very very happy with my life. But I noticed that I started putting my weight back on (which seems to happen when I'm happy/content). I'm now back up to 200 lbs, but wearing a size 10 (not sure how that works, but whatever). I feel completely gross again about my body. I don't even want my husband (who's in the Army and in FANTASTIC shape) to even look at me naked. I actually weigh more than him right now and he's 2 inches taller than me!!

    I had a complete breakdown yesterday over my body issues and how I feel like a complete pig. My husband and I are currently planning our big church wedding (we originally had a small courthouse thing with just our moms present). Thankfully it's still 20 months away. I'm determined to be my true tall, skinny self by then. My goal is to be a size 2/3 and about 125-130 lbs. My frame size is small, so to be carrying this much weight is just horrid.

    So with yesterday's fiasco, I've decided that's it! I can't do this anymore. So today I joined this site, and my mom just told me she's going to order the Focus T25 videos by Beach Body. She's diabetic and needs to lose weight for health reasons. I'm hoping to at least be down to 150 by the time I start dress shopping in August or so.

    I'm just desperate to be skinny and sexy again and to look amazing next to my sexy and fit husband...
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    Im right there with you. I had my three children in five years time. After the first I had only gained about 5lbs so I didnt worry about. Then got pregnant and gained 30 with the next and 20 the pregnancy after that. I had last about 15lbs before November. Thenw ith kids being home and some health issues Ive gained it all back. Now Im back and determained to get the weight off for good. I have the same issue with my belly. All three of my kiddos were born via c-section so I've noticed when I lose weight its anywhere and everywhere but my tummy.
  • clizzyw
    clizzyw Posts: 8 Member
    I also take supplements to help me maintain control of my eating, increase my energy, and provide my body with minerals and nutrients that I cannot get from food. I'd love to recommend some if you have questions.

    What supplements are you taking?? Are they the shakes everyone is crazy over?? I've tried those but i'm hungry a hour later.
    i'm trying to get off about 20 pounds... It's like a do really good lose the weight, then i feel like hey i can eat what i want now.
    WRONG !!! so here i am again!!
  • RW_2
    RW_2 Posts: 13 Member
    Great motivation here!
  • denmar803
    denmar803 Posts: 10 Member