
I've decided to cut out soda, juice, and energy drinks. It's going to be tough for energy drinks are my life now. I used to drink a lot of water I think I should go back to that. Sweets won't be to tough to cut because I don't really eat them anyways because they hurt my jaw, not my teeth my jaw it's weird. Wish me luck people.


  • castromasaniai
    castromasaniai Posts: 8 Member
    I'm no expert but I'm sure the foods you eat should be able to give you sufficient energy to get through the day. Meaning you won't really need energy drinks if you're eating the right type of food. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong lol but good luck on your journey. I know, from experience, that cutting out soda will make a huge difference.
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh I don't drink it cuz I need it, tho i do need to eat more thats a different issue. I drink it because I love them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Best wishes. After years of heavy sugar and most all processed carbs I cut them out. It was hard for 2 weeks doing it cold turkey then the cravings just started to fade and four months later have not returned but I do not tempt them. :)
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    You are right to cut out sweet drinks. It's easy to add hundreds of calories and they go straight into the bloodstream. Plus most soda (we call it "pop" in Canada) has high fructose corn syrup, which is really not your friend. I love sweet stuff, and I used to consume lots of it, but I failed my last blood test, so now I'm pre-diabetic, and I'm trying to keep my sugar low. Most of the sugar I get now is from fruit which is absorbed somewhat more slowly than from juice. And I only eat two to three pieces of fruit a day.
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you guys :) those are amazing motivations thank you guys it is going to be tough because sugar is everywhere lol
  • Good luck, cutting sugar can be hard but you'll see the benefits very quickly.
  • If you like energy drinks, monster sells sugar free drinks too. There mostly the white cans. Im drinking one right now :)
  • sheliah92
    sheliah92 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh thank you :) I must say I had a couple energy drinks :/ tho I think my body knows i don't want it because it took me forever to drink them and they were just not tasty to me lol