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Is it ok to be hungry?

Hi this is my third day using this site. I am on a 1400 calorie diet (if I don't work out). Were I work I am sedentary but I do work out at least a few times a week. (2-5 though lately its been 2 or 3.) Im 5 foot 5 and 170 pounds. When I started working out a year ago I was about 160 but Ive not lost or gained a significant amount in size.. infact Im sure Im a bit smaller. I do a bit of work with hand weights combined with my cardio and I consider myself a bit more muscular then a lot of girls who are not active in their jobs.
The problem is I'm used to large portions. I'm already feeling somewhat week or sick on days I'm not working out to get that extra bit of food. Is this normal when you start out? Does your body adjust?
I made my food Diary public for now so I can get some feedback. Even beforehand I had a pretty healthy diet and tried to stay away from bad carbs and stick with fruits. Ive not changed my eating too much in terms of foods.. just that I'm not eating as much. Also my calorie intake is being filled very quickly. If I'm still hungry afterward should I try to fill myself with green tea or water until my body gets used to it?


  • revelb
    revelb Posts: 14
    You are consuming a lot of your calories with your orange juice and milk. Try just drinking water and then you will have more left for food calories
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I was going to say the same thing. Also PB has alot of calories in it, so just have a little each day or none at all for a day.

    Drinking calories is what gets ya! Water will be your bff. If you have to have flavor, get some crystal light or sugar free kool aide!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You can add a lot of veggies for almost no calories. Also - you are wasting a lot of calories on drinks that will not keep you full.
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    I agree with the others. You need to be eating your calories rather than drinking them. If you eat 5-6 portion sized meals throughout the day you won't be hungry. When we over eat we stretch our stomachs out and it takes a little while of eating portion sizes to get it back to normal. When I first changed how I eat I felt hungry. Now I can eat the same meals as then and feel full.

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I agree with everyone else. You need top cut out the juice and milk and go for more filling foods. Drink tons of water if you are still hungry after changing this and it should help some.
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    Definitely do not drink your calories! It's hard for me because I love creamer in my coffee and it's a lot of calories for a table spoon. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies! They don't have very many calories and they will keep you full. Not being hungry on a low calorie diet can be a challenge especially at first. You just have to find foods that fill you up. Sometimes it's still a struggle for me.
  • In addition to what has already been said, you're not eating any protein or carbs with your lunch. Those things will fill you up. Maybe a turkey sandwich on a 100 calorie bun with some mustard and veggies... You can add a TON of veggies to those scrambled egg whites. I would definitely not drink anything but water but you can add tea that does not have sweetener in it for 0 calories. I love peanut butter but only eat it in a pinch because it has so many calories. You can eat nuts as a snack, they are more filling and don't have any sugar or anything in them.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Also, if you are just starting out and not used to eating such a limited amount of calories, it will probably take several days for your body to get used to the reduction in calories. Just try to stay within your calorie goal each day so that you give your body a chance to adjust. And yes, learning to fill up on nutrient rich, low calorie foods will help you fill up!

    Lean protein (chicken breast, lean ground turkey, egg whites, fish, greek yogurt, etc.)
    Make sure to get your 25 - 30g of fiber in. Easily achieved if you are eating enough veggies and fruit. Just don't be you increase fiber intake gradually if you aren't used to it. It could cause some stomach discomfort if you increase to quickly.
  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    instead of soy milk try almond milk, it has away less calories and carbs! also, instead of all the fruit you are eating, i would eat veggies- they are also much lower in cals, carbs, and sugar! you will feel much better! I eat 1300 cals a day so if you want to add me and take a look at my diary you are more than welcome! I rarely find myself hungry when I'm eating properly :)
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I was going to say the same thing. Also PB has alot of calories in it, so just have a little each day or none at all for a day.

    Drinking calories is what gets ya! Water will be your bff. If you have to have flavor, get some crystal light or sugar free kool aide!

    Don't add fake stuff to your diet. Just add a slice of lemon or orange to some water.
  • blacktallon
    blacktallon Posts: 38
    Thanks everyone! :) I do dislike water on its own.. but I add a fibre supplement to my drink in the morning so that should be more then enough to add flavor.

    Edit: and the lemon is a good idea to!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Youk now, I have been a little hungry in the afternoon since I started, so I think some of it is probably your body adjusting to smaller portions.

    I agree with the others though, cut out or down your juice and milk. I get my dairy in ways that are more filling, like Greek Yogurt :)
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Protein! Protein! Protein! Protein! Protein!!!! You should eat about 1 g of protein for every 2 lbs. So at 170, you should eat between 75-90 grams per day. I see you're only getting about 50-60. Bump up your intake and you won't be hungry. BTW - my trainer always tells me to eat cottage cheese. Yes, it's absolutely disgusting if you have to eat it without delicious sugar-filled fruit on top, but it has a whopping 12-13 grams of protein with NO FAT, NO CARBS, and NO SUGAR!!!!! Trade a cup of lowfat cottage cheese for a cup of juice and you'll be full much longer.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Since it's only your third day, you also need time to get used to the new diet. I was really hungry for the first week or so until I got used to the calorie intake. Now, sometimes I barely reach my goal even without exercise. Give it some time and in the meantime fill up with low calorie snacks. I'd also suggest eventually eating smaller meals more throughout the day.
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    You are consuming a lot of your calories with your orange juice and milk. Try just drinking water and then you will have more left for food calories
    Totally agree - fruits should be eaten for the best nutrients and fibers! Fruit Jc on a rare occasion is great (in moderation) but on a daily basis this is just turning into sugars!!! Also how much Sodium is in one of those "meat and potato" pie??? Just something to look at for yourself! Much luck.....remember this is a journey - not a race. Keep asking questions and learn as you go...we all have/are! :drinker:
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    Same as above, but also I think you need some complex carbs, like brown rice, whole wheat, oats (I prefer steel cut). I always make sure for breakfast that I eat a protein and a carb, like greek yogurt and a slice of whole wheat toast or steel cut oatmeal with milk and berries. And then I eat either a veggie for a snack or nuts/dried fruit (I use a food scale so I eat the right portion). And then depending on how many calories I have left I will have like a salad or whatever I am craving (sometimes pizza) for lunch and salmon/brown rice/broccoli for dinner.

    I like to make sure that my meal fills me up and isn't over 500-600 calories/meal (my allowance is 1200 calories/day). Eventually you will get use to smaller portions, but if you are feeling like you are starving that is not good! Try getting some complex foods in your diet and cut out the juice, that will help you feel more full. Also, if I am having a day where I am constantly hungry, I work out so that I can eat more : )

    Good luck : )
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    I am the same height and weight and very muscular, I always have been. I am not hungry most days and my calorie goal is about 1400 also. I find its all about picking those high volume, low calorie options. For example, broth based soups with lots of vegetables. Vegetables are amazing, of course it helps that I have always loved brocoli and green beans and peas but you can eat so many of those and they are very low calorie. I try the lean protien like Fish or pork chops and then have an extra serving of veggies on the side. For example one lean pork chop with a bbq glaze (4 oz) is about 200 calories, I pair that with a serving of black beans and some peas and I have a very filling meal that is just under 400 calories. That gives me enough wiggle room to add anoth pork chop on the days I work out hard or a small serving of dessert. I am all about portion control and finding those fiber rich, filling, lower calorie foods. Most days I am not hungry at all. Good luck.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    550 calories in liquid form - no wonder you're hungry! I recommend getting those same nutrients in solid form - two oranges is about 200 calories plus they fill you up. Two non-fat Greek yogurt is 240 calories and you'll feel much more full. Better yet, up your protein - a couple servings of lean turkey meat, some tuna, or some other that's too your taste will help you feel full longer. Also, plan some snacks into your day. A half serving of whole natural almonds is 80 calories and keeps me refueled in the afternoon.
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with the others. You need to be eating your calories rather than drinking them. If you eat 5-6 portion sized meals throughout the day you won't be hungry. When we over eat we stretch our stomachs out and it takes a little while of eating portion sizes to get it back to normal. When I first changed how I eat I felt hungry. Now I can eat the same meals as then and feel full.

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    I agree, with all of this, especially about your stomach stretching. Give yourself 2-3 weeks of eating healthy portions, and your stomach will adjust; you'll feel full faster. You won't necessarily want to eat less (that's all about your mind, not your body) but you WILL get full on less food.

    Also, I don't know how to see your food diary, but I know a lot of times people don't eat enough protein, especially in the mornings. Protein takes longer to digest than carbs and even fruit and veggies, so you feel full longer. If you're not already eating protein at every meal, I would recommend starting to do that. It should help with feeling full, too.

    Hang in there! It's always hardest at the beginning, but it's worth the extra effort!
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    I was going to say the same thing. Also PB has alot of calories in it, so just have a little each day or none at all for a day.

    Drinking calories is what gets ya! Water will be your bff. If you have to have flavor, get some crystal light or sugar free kool aide!

    Don't add fake stuff to your diet. Just add a slice of lemon or orange to some water.

    Adding lemon to your water is also suppose to be great for stopping bloating from drinking alot to water and it tastes great!
    i know when i first started i was hungry alot too because i wasnt eating really big portions like i was used to. but ya carbs are great for filling you up and keeping you full longer. they are also great right after a work out. after you work out your body still burns calories at a higher rate and carbs are your bodies main source of fuel. Just dont OVERDUE the carbs.