Looking for friends

Hello everyone,

I'm on my journey to lose extra 30pounds by this summer.looking for friends for motivation.Thanks


  • KKZ77
    KKZ77 Posts: 9
    Hi Myra, nice to meet you, I'm new to this site, looking for the same. 30 lbs. by summer it is totally doable.
  • Hey I'm trying to lose 30 by summer as well! Would love to support you, add me!
  • mossiegirl55
    mossiegirl55 Posts: 6 Member
    Me too guys, can I add you guys? I really think having accountability will help with my healthy choices when logging. Thanks!
  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    Good luck everyone stay on the path and remember wine has lots of calories
  • Claire200489
    Claire200489 Posts: 5 Member
    I need the motivation and to see that others have the willpower i struggle with, sent you an add request
  • joylevelup
    joylevelup Posts: 63 Member
    feel free to add me too.
  • Add me I would love so motivation as well
  • Everybody can use some extra motivation. Hello everyone from Nashville!
  • You are most definitely able to get that 30 lbs gone by summer. However, I'm just looking to lose 8 lbs & maintain it & that sometimes can get frustrating in itself, as I just can't seem to shake it sometimes.. so support & motivation from others is a great idea! Please feel free to add me & I'll be a friend & motivator:)
  • millzy64
    millzy64 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Hit my goal weight over a year ago and now it's a constant struggle to keep it off. Gained over the holidays and can't seem to stay on track. Always looking to add friends for some motivational give and take.
  • I am a great motivator if you need it!! I am pretty new myself here and love to help others!!!!
  • Myrashahid2014
    Myrashahid2014 Posts: 4 Member
    My biggest problem is if I miss my one workout day I gave up for the rest of the week.I was 164lb (5 2') last year and I lost 30pounds by exercising and myfitness pal.But I keep going back to my same routine again and when I feel I started to gain weight I get myself on track.Ots not constant:(
  • Myrashahid2014
    Myrashahid2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for ur love n support