Desperate and about to give up.



  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks everyone. I think I'm just being mardy and need to put things I to perspective.

    I only log genuine "exercise" like swimming, badminton etc... I don't log any for my steps, and I usually do my 10,000 I do log walks after that. I don't log things like housework etc.. And I'm careful of logging everything that goes past my lips.

    I know it will take time and I'm in it for the long haul. I honestly wish I could delete the bloody "in 5 weeks time you will weigh" bit on MFP it's no help at all, every day it tells me in 5 weeks I'll lose over a stone, yet 2 weeks on it's. A big fat 0. They don't motivate you, the opposite infact. The expectations they project seem quite unrealistic. I might not bother completing my diary any more.

    I think I just need to moan and stick with it. Keep logging, keep exercising. I might eat some exercise cals back if I'm hungry, but about 200/250 which take me up to about 16000 cals is enough. I don't feel the need to eat more than that on exercise days.

    I've lowered my carbs to 40% and my protein is 30% which to be honest! I struggle to eat. I don't Eat any sea food and little meat. I think I need to get some edamame beans cooked and some nuts to snack on.

    Thank you everyone who has commented and encouraged Me. All your advice is appreciated very much x
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited February 2015
    Did I read that correctly?

    A year - 52 WEEKS - of incredible success and a measly 2 weeks is enough to throw it all away?


    No wonder the stats on folks keeping weight off are so abysmal.

    One doesn't throw away a full year for a 2 week stall, right? Ya just don't.

    Why would you give it all up and throw away a year of success. No - seriously - I can't even comprehend that. Why?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is my last 30 days.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    2 weeks is not much. That could be as simple as some water weight. Perhaps a new salty snack or your body trying to heal from some damage. I wouldn't worry just hit your targets for another week or two and if the scale is still stuck (it probably won't be) then worry about increasing or reducing something. Sometimes when you know you have done everything right you have to look at the scale and just tell it you don't really care what it says. If you can 100% say that you have logged everything and poorly estimated nothing and you are under your goal then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I wouldn't consider 2 weeks a plateau. As long as you keep on eating and logging correctly, keep on with your exercise, I bet you start losing again. I've been the same for several months, well...except for the 5 that I picked up over the holidays :\ ...but I'm still working out and doing my best to eat and log correctly. The logging has been a bit off because of some major stuff going on at work, which includes complete 12 hour shift changes. While I'm not seeing a difference on the scale, I can definitely see a difference in my muscle tone and how clothes are fitting.

    Don't use the scale as your only means of gauging success! Notice how you feel, how clothes fit, how your body is toning....the scale is secondary!! :)
  • cakegoddess1
    cakegoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    First, forgive me but what is a stone? Anyway, it's weight off so it
    counts. I agree that you should try eating a little more...but, you need to stay away from processed carbs and go with fruit or hummus and celery. These are much better snacks. Sometimes eating more will kick start your loss again. Stay with it!
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    A stone is 14lbs (British thing).
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Rayrayfitz, first off, congratulations on your weight loss so far. You are doing fantastic! You should be incredibly proud of your progress so far.

    Unfortunately, our bodies don't like to lose weight (in my experience) and weight tends to come off in fits and starts. I have lost 90 so far and still have 30 to go. My weight graph looks like a roller coaster! The first 50 came off so easy and since then it has been a struggle and incredibly slow. It has taken me almost 3 years already and I just hit 90 pounds down this week. Here's how I look at it though - the slower the weight comes off, the easier it will be to maintain because I'm getting LOTS of practice at maintaining!
    Also, you just recently ramped up your exercise. Often times when increasing exercise, you will see a temporary water weight gain (or maintain). Be patient and that will go away. As long as you continue to log accurately, eat at a deficit and continue to move your body, you will see a loss. Even if it takes a while for the scale to catch, if you are doing everything right, you should feel very proud of yourself. The scale always tells the truth, just not necessarily exactly when you think it should!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Two weeks is nothing. And if you are weighing only once a week, it's probably just fluctuations. I weigh daily but log my weight on MFP only once a week on Monday. If I look at my MFP graph, there are periods of 3-4 weeks when it looks as if my weight loss stalled. But if I look at my daily graph on, I see that the exponentially smoothed moving average is on its way down during those periods. It's just that for some reason, my Monday weights were unusually high. (Maybe I eat more salty foods on Sundays; I don't track sodium.)

    Give it two more weeks.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    If you don't "complete" your diary at the en d of the day, no prediction messages. It automatically rolls over to a new blank day overnight. :)
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    ^^^ This. I never press the complete button. It makes no difference. I'm only aiming to lose slowly but that screen telling me that I won't weigh huge amounts less in five weeks puts me off. ;)
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Your tracking seems on point and it's only been two weeks. Stalls happen. Weight loss isn't linear. You're doing everything right.

    Just be patient and keep doing what you're doing. It will start moving again.

    If you've had 2 months of no movement, that's the time to reassess what you're doing.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    You have made amazing progress! I have only been doing MFP for 4 are an inspiration to me! Keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure the scale will start to go down again soon. Best of luck!
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    To ilovemypeekapug - on the forum index page, your name appears as "ilovemypee..." when you're the latest replier :smiley:
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Did I read that correctly?

    A year - 52 WEEKS - of incredible success and a measly 2 weeks is enough to throw it all away?


    No wonder the stats on folks keeping weight off are so abysmal.

    One doesn't throw away a full year for a 2 week stall, right? Ya just don't.

    Why would you give it all up and throw away a year of success. No - seriously - I can't even comprehend that. Why?
    I have to agree with this. At some point over that year you must have had weeks where you didn't lose or even gained. I probably gain at least one week out of six...have often gone two or three weeks, or even a month, without losing...then had weeks where I suddenly lost 6 or 7. It is not linear. Two weeks is many have said normal water fluctuations will easily cause that. You need to have a long term perspective.

    Maintenance is forever. There is no end date involved, so you need to focus on the positive changes you have already made. When I temporarily stall, I just tell myself that even if I never lose another pound I am MUCH better off where I am now then where I was. If I give up, I will quickly go back to being obese. THAT is plenty of motivation for me to stick with it.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I vote for patience too. I stopped losing for a while when I ramped up my exercise and I had a deep think about it. Did I want to drop the exercise and just focus on weight loss? No. I'm loving my mobility and health gains too much. I decided to continue with my lifestyle changes and trust the weight loss would catch up in time. It did.

    I also found out that I have a 30 day cycle of weight loss, with practically nothing coming off for a few weeks, and a sudden drop-off. I continue do what I am doing and the scale eventually catches up.

    I get a lot more satisfaction from my exercise goals as they are directly under my control. The scale, not so much.
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    The blackness of PCOS is similar to what I suffer with the endometriosis. There are days when it all seems utterly pointless no matter how much you've lost. But they pass.
    I am hoping for more emotional equilibrium after menopause.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I have a very silly suggestion, and it works for me but you could try it: When I'm feeling incredibly bummed about a stall in weight loss or just not feeling good about my physical self, I find that a new item of clothing or getting my hair cut really changes my attitude about myself. I don't know what your situation is financially, or if that even appeals to you, but I thought I'd throw that out there. It might tide you over until you start to lose a bit again. :)

    I never complete my entries, either. Can't be bothered to see the predicted weight loss, which doesn't always translate into a loss for me...
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you every one.

    I think it's frustration as to be fair to you all, you don't have a lot of background info.

    I started last Feb, by The end if July I'd lost 3st 2lb... Then it wouldn't budge, I didn't stress over it but enjoyed my summer, but I'd put a couple of pound on then lose it again. Until Nov I had more or less maintained. It stuck to plan in Dec and just seemed to stall. I lost 6lb one week due to an illness which helped kick start it. But I've still only lost 5lb since December, and well, July really.

    So when I say I feel like giving up, it's not just because I'm having a bad week, it feels like the ball just won't start rolling again, hence upping my exercise this month, I log accurately and weigh my food, so something needs to change somewhere if I'm not losing.

    Just when I thought I might have cracked it by doing vigorous exercise (even though MFP is set so I should lose 2lb a week on exercise alone, I also have to exercise at least an hour a day to lose) I've had 2 weeks again where I've lost nothing.

    I've been stuck in this rut for months, it's not just I've spat my dummy out this week as I haven't lost

    It's so frustrating as I'm doing everything right and MFP is constantly telling me I'm going to lose loads of weight, and it don't lose anything.

    Thanks again for all your comments x
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    Did I read that correctly?

    A year - 52 WEEKS - of incredible success and a measly 2 weeks is enough to throw it all away?


    No wonder the stats on folks keeping weight off are so abysmal.

    One doesn't throw away a full year for a 2 week stall, right? Ya just don't.

    Why would you give it all up and throw away a year of success. No - seriously - I can't even comprehend that. Why?

    I've explained a bit more above, I haven't thrown anything away, when I say giving up I mean MFP. Not putting back on every lb I've lost...

    It hasn't been a year of success it's been 6 months, and 6 months of not doing much at all.