Medical Student on a Mission

Dr2Beeman Posts: 2
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Well just thought I'd introduce myself see if anyone wanted to connect it's always great to have mutual support.

my story:
long story short I'm a 23 old female in my first year of medical school. I was just diagnosed with a really rare sleep disorder that explained my need to consume to much caffeine and since I'm allergic to artificial sweeteners I drank a lot of pop and coffee way to much. Now that i have my disorder figured out though. So I'm focusing on eating clean and getting healthy. I know I can do it and plan to loss over 100lbs!!

That's pretty much it. I'm 3 days into p90x3 and loving it.

thanks for the support !


  • bronzeambition
    bronzeambition Posts: 39 Member
    I'm Carmen and I started off with about 130 pounds to lose and now I have 97 to lose. I added you! :)
  • Dr2Beeman
    Awesome Carmen sounds like your making great progress !!! :D
  • Purity4all
    Hey there! I just ordered it. And I'm a med student as well! Friend me for the support
  • Momdoc3
    Momdoc3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Dr2Beeman--I am a physician, graduated 27 years ago. I started my weight loss journey in 2011 and lost 50 pounds in 6 months by tracking and exercising. I continue to track to keep my weight under control. I started with P90X, have done P90X2 and P90X3--keep in touch! I am doing P90X3 now--I love Tony Horton! It is awesome that you are working on your health. It gives you real insight into what your patients struggle with.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    hi i am in my fourth year of medschool and i am part of a five year program..
    this is a beautiful journey with lots of ups and downs and with medschool it doesnt gets any easier.. keep an eye for the nsv's rather than the scale and celebrate every minor victory you notice about your strength energy clothes whatever.. best of luck :)
    i started this journey in second year of my medschool and i am still at it.. i had a total of 52lbs to lose.. and i am left with 26lbs. we can do this!