omg i feel like i can never keep off this weight

cyntia Posts: 24 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
i just feel like giving up its so annoying i check the scale this morning and its not moving I have been working out and eating cautiously for like two weeks and it seems like i gain weight instead of losing it. I'm like so over this whole thing and at the same time I dont wanna give up cause this weight is not healthy (255.7) need some help?
I have been doing 30 day shred and elliptical on some days for the first week with one day off. the second week I have been busy with school finals so i worked three times but I havent been eating that bad?? Anyways needs some motivation some help>>


  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Well i took a look at your diary and it seems to me you have quite a few days that you do not net 1200 calories. This is VERY important if you want to lose weight. If you don't your body hangs onto the fat and you can/will gain more.

    Also try changing up your routine, give your body a bit of a shock.
  • dizzyduck
    dizzyduck Posts: 2
    Keep on going!!! If it seems like your weight is going up rather than down it is more than likely to be weight from new muscle as of course that does way considerably more than fat. However it burns 9 x more calories!!! Give it time and you will start to see results, your body and metabolism are all adjusting as well!! Good Luck!!
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Also, if you are doing intensive strength training, remember that you're gaining muscle weight while you lose fat and that muscle weighs more than fat. Are you drinking enough water? That is extremely important, too.

    Keep it up and you WILL see results. We all believe in you!!!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    First of all, you got this... Second of all... you got this.... Third of all... you got this! no worries!

    What I would say is this...

    Diet is 80 percent of losing weight so I would reassess your diet...

    how many calories are you eating 1200 or more I hope?
    When you exercise are you logging those calories and eating those too?
    do you eat lots of salt and sugar? 2000mg of salt, and 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of sugar (processed) is all you should be eating. (the sugar is a hard one for me)
    Are you drinkin TONS of water?
    are you snacking, taking little bites here and there and then not logging them? you would be sooo shocked to see how much people waste taking a bite of this or a bite of that.
    If you eat all your calories and your calories from exercise back, could you be underestimating the caloire couts of your food. If you underestimate, you could be eating more than you think, thus slowing your weight loss.. there are lots of factors, but it shouldn't be this hard!
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    It's crazy frustrating when the scale won't cooperate, isn't it?

    I looked at your diary; are you sure you're logging everything you eat? There's a wide variation in the number of calories you eat from day to day. You also have a fair amount of not-so-good-for-you restaurant food in there, but then again you have a lot of good stuff in there too.

    You'll probably get the usual suggestions/advice; you're losing inches, not pounds. Watch your sodium. Drink more water. Eat less processed food.

    I gotta tell you... when I'm stressed I have a tendency not to sleep well, and not to lose weight at my usual rate. I also find that my biggest moves on the scale are two days after a really vigorous cardio session (45 minutes or more at a HR >160). Are you getting your heart rate up and keeping it up for long enough?

    I know with finals weighing on you this is even more difficult than usual, but stick with it. You might have to tweak some things over the coming weeks to find out what works for you, but it will work. Don't give up. You can do this.
  • Peridotite
    Peridotite Posts: 66
    If your food diary is right you are not eating enough food!!!! If you don't eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose a single pound!

    Also try drinking all of your water. I know it is hard, but I personally find it works :flowerforyou:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I agree on the food diary too, the last week at least you have not eaten enough. Also what everyone else said. Hang in there!!!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    You have to keep in mind that it didn't take you 2 weeks to gain the weight, and it is not going to come off nearly as fast as it goes on. Keep your head up, stick with it. You will not regret toughing it out!! I promise. I tried many times before I got to where I am now.

    You can do this!!!
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    Keep going! I know its hard and frustrating but most things in life that are worthwild are hard. Also maybe try taking your measurements instead of using the scale. Like someone said earlier, perhaps you are gaining muscle wich means more lbs but not nessisarilly because of fat. just still with it. it takes a long time to start seeing a difference sometimes and the longer you stay with it the better off you'll feel about yourself when you do start to notice the weight loss.
  • cyntia
    cyntia Posts: 24 Member
    i been trying to drink a gallon and a half a day sometimes i would drink the whole thing and finals were last week so no time to workout as much as i would like. This week I am done with school but its so annoying when the scale is not going down. Yes there were time like moes for example when i ate something I shouldnt which would never again way to many calories! yikes.. I am planning to go to the beach with my mom so will try to workout there but im kinda mad at myself you know???
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    When you first start working out, your body stores glycogen in the muscle to aid in their healing. This lasts 2-3 weeks depending on how much you are working out. It is not muscle. It is not fat. You are not gaining - it just seems like you are. Keep doing what you are doing. The scale will go down soon.
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