
Heya, so 3 days ago I had a binge that scared me, I'd been building up to it I guess. I think I ate enough salt to kill a small deer. I've eaten like this for a long time, and I've stopped, it's easier then I thought so far. I'm scared I'll give in :/ I hope not. However I feel a bit fuzzy headed, and lacking in concentration, but I also feel like I've have more energy then I've had in years! It's confusing. Has anyone else had to give up salt? Is this common? Thanks guys


  • ellamay89
    ellamay89 Posts: 8 Member
    Also sorry if this is in the wrong place :/ I wasn't sure where to go
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Stopped what? I have a light hand with the salt shaker, but savory food without salt does not taste good. Unless you have a medical issue, focus on moderation.
  • ellamay89
    ellamay89 Posts: 8 Member
    No I was eating a lot salty snacks/junk food :/ sometimes instead of actual meals
  • Cookie108
    Cookie108 Posts: 10 Member
    I had my annual physical yesterday. I came home w/a blood pressure machine. I honestly didn't realize how much salt intake until I looked at my food log. OMG!!! I had the same symptoms you described but didn't think it was the salt since I never add it. I now have to check out everything I eat more carefully. I suggest a physical and talk to your dr.