
I've been using this app a while and love it, but I've not figured out how to add people or join groups. I need accountability!!!


  • You can add me! I have an iPhone and can't add people. But feel free to add me!! I am looking for friends to keep me going.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    Everyone stand back, I'm here to help!
  • I also have no idea how to add people! Does anyone know how??
  • RSpry
    RSpry Posts: 3
    Thanks guys!!
  • stainlessneil
    stainlessneil Posts: 65 Member
    @carliecrazycarlie563‌ on my Android phone you just click on their names add then click 'add friend' but I've seen people say that on iPhones you have to go to the friends tab, click on the search button and manually enter the person's username. I'll save you the effort and send you a request!
  • keiyak
    keiyak Posts: 2 Member
    In the same boat! I just don't think any of my friends use the app, or work out lol but I'm trying to make some lifestyle changes!