Here in recovery

Greetings FitnessPals,

I'm here in recovery from over a decade of bulimia and alcoholism. I've been sober over a year, but it's been 1.5 month since my last purge.

I have been off and on with MFP for a few years, but I've noticed a pattern over the years, that the days I've logged into MFP, my weight steadily decreases with regular tracking, and I have more mental well-being over what is often an uncontrollable situation.

If anyone has any tips, or even just encouragement, that would be awesome. Good luck to you today, and thanks for reading!


  • vikkir8
    vikkir8 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I too am a recovering alcoholic. Well done for your abstinence. I'm nearly 3 yrs sober. I have liver cirrhosis so had a large tummy for a while but it's going now. Keep up the good work x
  • hessika_ginger
    hessika_ginger Posts: 2 Member
    Hiya, I'm pretty new to MFP and in long term recovery (9.7.11). It'd be great to be friends with strong recovering folks