To afraid to eat now!

Okay I have read all the info about eating at least your minimum amount of calories because if you dont you will go into starvation mode. I believe this. The problem though is im doing well losing weight to where I find myself afraid to eat. I start to eat and think to myself if I do this might gain weight. I know I wont if I keep doing what ive been doing and I have been eating. Im just now getting the paranoid feeling that if I eat say my 1200 calories I might gain. I worry if I might have miscalculated. I do exercise. I dont know whats wrong with me now. I know im making no sense and rambling. Anyone had this problem? Its to the point where I can convience myself im not hungry. I have eaten ok today though.


  • rlawrimore
    rlawrimore Posts: 72 Member
    If you don't eat them, they your body will fight back. It will literally start to feast on muscle tissue and slow your metobolic rate down, then you will gain weight. Eat the calories in a good way, or at least get very close to them.
  • ErinLouiseBellamy
    ErinLouiseBellamy Posts: 18 Member
    hey! well done on your weight loss so far. Ive just joined today and ive had one hell of a ride with diets and the likes. So today i did some test runs with adding daily foods and i just couldnt make up the 1200 without adding foods which i think will make me bigger... so im having the same problem. I dont know how i can go from eating so little to eating much more and not gain?? i hope its just in our heads...but at least youre not alone! good luck!
  • dmaster555
    dmaster555 Posts: 73
    Starvation mode is one of the most overhyped, misunderstood concepts in dieting history. You will be fine the way you have been dieting. That is just something fat greedy people use as an excuse to eat more.
  • dmaster555
    dmaster555 Posts: 73
    If you don't eat them, they your body will fight back. It will literally start to feast on muscle tissue and slow your metobolic rate down, then you will gain weight. Eat the calories in a good way, or at least get very close to them.

    The body does not "feast" on muscle, you idiot.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I try to eat and to make sure what I eat at those "afraid" times is healthy- carrots and hummus, etc. That way if I over eat, it's healthy food, or low in calories, or really good for me.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    If you are concerned just do you best to make sure your net calories are 1200. If you think your exercise calories are inaccurate then get a Heart Rate Monitor so you can be sure fo the calories you are burning. With that information you will beable to accurately eat back your calories. if you have alot of weight to lose, like over 100lbs then don't worry about eating back your calories for a while because your fat will burn before your lean muscle.

    Don't be afraid to eat. Just make healthy choices. Look into clean eating. Hope this helps.
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    I love veggies now and I eat a lot of them. They just dont add up quick. Like you said if I eat other things that I dont feel that are healthy. I feel like im just doing the same old bad eating as before when I was gaining weight. Hope that makes sense.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I have this problem too. One thing that really helps me get up to my goal calories is adding little snacks that are harmless, psychologically. An apple mid-morning, an orange mid-afternoon. A scoop of cottage cheese, or some edamame. - There you go, 200 more healthy calories. Also, if you split your meals into many little meals, it helps kick up your metabolism. Good luck! I struggle with this every day, and I haven't yet convinced myself to eat my exercise calories. I'm trying to gradually add 100 more calories - every month, eat a little bit more. You may loose weight slower if you do it that way, but by the time you're down to your goal weight, you will have a much easier time actually maintaining it!

    It takes 3,500 EXTRA calories to gain a pound. Remember that. So if you have a 1500 calorie day, and say your base metabolic rate is 1300 (lllloooowwww - yours is probably higher)- that's only 200 extra. You'd need 17 of those days to gain one pound. I tell myself that every time I start to freak out over a meal!
  • laurad78
    laurad78 Posts: 7
    It is really true what they say i have been staying between 5pounds for the last 4 months and my dietician said its because im not eating enough. I started this site today to make sure i am eating the right amount we will see in a week if it works. I am always afraid od eating to much so i eat very little not knowing i was only hurting myself. Good luck on the weight loss :)
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    I get so obsessed with how many cals I eat, and now Im at my goal weight, Im afraid to go to the maintaing calories MFP says to eat. It seems way to high as Im used to eating 1300-1400. So I feel you. I suppose we have all worked so hard we dont want to lose it. But I found I lost more weight when I eat 1300-1400 rather than the 1200.