Taking back control need some friends

Hello everyone! I'm Matthew and I'm at the highest weight I have ever been! It's a hard place to be I'm sure you agree and understand! I've been heavy my whole life. I also Have a neurological condition called Tourette Syndrome thanks to that I have been on many medications in my life and they did nothing but pack on over 90 pounds. So I said no more!!! I'm taking back my life I'm currently following the Atkins diet and I'm down 6 pounds! That just adds to the motivation. If any of you would like to be friends that would just increase the support and motivation


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Matthew! We can be friends and I'll cheer you on. Add me!
  • awhisman13
    awhisman13 Posts: 6 Member
    This is a journey I'm glad you're taking the time to make. It is truly worth while to know that someone such as yourself can say, "it's my life, I will live it in the way I see fit!" I'm in your corner as well Matthew.
  • AppleGypsy
    AppleGypsy Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Matthew I would love to be friends and help motivate you!
  • shelbyrhatton
    shelbyrhatton Posts: 14 Member
    I too can relate to meds making you gain weight! I gained a total of 80 pounds. I am finally down 50, but still have 30 more to go! You can add me! I'll cheer ya on!!!! In fact, I'll start now! GO MATTHEW!