Support with overcoming binge eating

hi everyone! I'm a secret binge eater and everything I've read to get over this says to start a food diary, so I've deactivated my super old MFP account to try and do this. Also, they say to join communities to give and receive support is great. Has anyone overcome binge eating or is going through it? Thanks ☺️


  • willowtvo
    hey there lovely - its a huge achievement to be taking steps to support and care for yourself with this devastating problem. I'm just here to say that I understand what you are facing and to share with you that for very many people, this is not really about food, at core. I would guess that if you are suffering this way, you have probably had a pretty tough time in your family and your early life, and if that's the case, it's not your fault. People who have experienced such things find ways to survive emotionally and this can mean turning eating into a support, or a form of self punishment because as a kid, it's too dangerous to show our anger or despair to others who won't respond well. I confess I am a psychotherapist and believe that to really get a long term fix with this, I would recommend that you seek out therapy or counselling if anything I've said rings true. Meanwhile, have compassion for yourself, as much as you can - don't give yourself hell if you don't get it right all the time and remember you're not alone. with warmest wishes, willowX
  • s_saint88
    Wow Willow, that was very insightful and interesting!
    Yeah I guess from childhood it was hard to express worries, fear, anger and bottling up was the way to deal with it. It's something that still exists in my adult life, and I have been thinking of therapy for that. But I had no idea that it would be linked to my eating habits!
    I'll seriously look into it now. Thank you!
    Do you offer online therapy at all?
  • lkf8813
    lkf8813 Posts: 38 Member

    I can't beat Willow's response because it's so dead on for so many people. You're not alone. I can provide support and encouragment. You can do this! :)
  • s_saint88
    Aw any support and encouragement would be highly appreciated. Thank you so much! How do people add each other as friends on MFP?
    I'm taking willow's advice as she was pretty dead on. Do you suffer from this as well?xx