feeling overwhelmed... anyone else?

I just really began my journey on MFP and am so intimidated by all of the posts with threads that date back years.
I am 5'4" and weigh 339 lbs. At my heaviest I was 352 lbs...not much difference but I will take it. My first goal is to get below 300lbs. From there I will set my next attainable(to me) goal. This is a process I realize. I did not get here in a day and I will not get better in a day.
I am hoping to find some encouragement and motivation on this site while we all strive to better ourselves but I don't know where to start!
Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed?


  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    First of all, don't minimize the 13 pounds! That's great! In December I went shopping and bought flour. Carrying that 10 lb bag to the house made me realize what I was always carrying with me! For me, it isn't feeling overwhelmed, but wanting to eat junk food! And not feeling like doing the exercise I've committed to doing. One day at a time! Sometimes an hour at a time!
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Setting small goals may help. It doesn't have to be tied to the scale either. I put a dollar in a jar every time I go to the gym. I add a 2nd dollar on days that I didn't binge. I had about $20 at the end of Jan. And am looking forward to a better February.

    I was 261 pounds 14 years ago. I made small changes bit by bit. I still ate the foods that I loved just less. I eventually became pretty healthy. For me making drastic changes was a short term solution, I had done that so many times before and it didn't stick.

    Good luck. And remember this. When you're feeling lost because of some poor choices, know that at any time you can make a U turn.

    Feel free to add me.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    One day at a time. One pound at a time.

    I don't make "weight" goals, I make food and fitness goals. Review, and improve, every day. This is a journey, not a destination.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yes, I get overwhelmed for different reasons. So happy you are here. Read the stickies, lurk the forums for a little, log and weigh your food. We are here to support!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    One day at a time...one foot in front of the other...focus on the process, not some imaginary end point...soon you will realize that health and fitness is a lifetime endeavor and an endless process so focusing on some arbitrary finish line is a waste of your time.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Congratulations! You've made a big start. Keep your interim goals attainable and acknowledge your progress.

  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    There's tonnes of great advice and support on these forums so feel free to ask for help when you need it. If you want a friend to support you, please add. X
  • carrie1829
    carrie1829 Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the responses so far! You guys are definitely encouraging to me. That is just what i need!
    I don't minimize the 13 lbs. but I have lost them before and then they come back...my fault, I fall off the bandwagon. This time has to be different for me. I am 39 years old and have struggled my whole life with weight issues. I would like to get myself healthier for me and everyone around me. I am not getting younger and I find things hurt me more now than they used too!
    I have been lurking on the forums but I have a hard time jumping in and keeping up with them.
    I am definitely in need of some friends on here that can help support me through this. It is going to be a long struggle.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    You have done really well so far! I started out at 310 in September, and now am at 58.5 lbs lost, with another 80ish to go (at least). Take it one day at a time... know that you got this, and that every healthy choice you make is just making you better. Allow some time to get used to things as well. If you are looking for a long-term lifestyle change then you need to make sure that what you are doing is sustainable. Find healthy foods that you enjoy, and activities that you like and work for you. then just keep at it!

    I am happy to be here to cheer you on and help if you want to add me. :)
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    One day at a time, 1lb at a time was the best advice I got on here. I didn't think I could do it either. I am now 7lbs from my GW. I will still be here when you are in the same place. Good luck, you go girl!!
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    carrie1829 wrote: »
    Thank you so much for all of the responses so far! You guys are definitely encouraging to me. That is just what i need!
    I don't minimize the 13 lbs. but I have lost them before and then they come back...my fault, I fall off the bandwagon. This time has to be different for me. I am 39 years old and have struggled my whole life with weight issues. I would like to get myself healthier for me and everyone around me. I am not getting younger and I find things hurt me more now than they used too!
    I have been lurking on the forums but I have a hard time jumping in and keeping up with them.
    I am definitely in need of some friends on here that can help support me through this. It is going to be a long struggle.

    I duct tape myself to the wagon and tell my friends not to cut me loose.!
  • rosiorama
    rosiorama Posts: 300 Member
    edited February 2015
    I too have lost weight and then gained it back plus more. What challenges me most is that it's lifestyle change... For life! I can't just get complacent when I lose 20 pounds! I'm around the same age as the OP and my knees hurt more than they ever have and I worry about what it will feel like in another decade if I don't do something about it! Focus on whatever got you started on this journey... One pound at a time!
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Weight loss/getting healthy can be extremely overwhelming. I find 3 major reasons for why I get overwhelmed.

    1) Because for a lot of us it's an entire lifestyle change which is really hard and takes CONSTANT focus and subconscious reprogramming

    2) Weight loss is HUGE commercial industry so everywhere you go you see tips and articles like "Do this Don't to that", "Carbs will kill you" "Fat will make your brain turn to ooze" "If you don't exercise 5 hours a day you will never lose weight" "if you exercise more than 4 hours a week you will die as early as a smoker" and my fav "if you are fat there's nothing you can do, it's genetics here have a hamburger and then buy this pill that will help change your genetics".

    I got really overwhelmed with this stuff both in life and in these forums and struggled to keep it together as I am trying to get back on track. But I think the best way not to get overwhelmed is the good old KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid (or Silly)) and in weight loss terms that's as simple as

    consume less calories than you burn

    Just focus on eating less then you burn. Don't try to internalize and process all the junk science out there about weight loss - you will make yourself crazy. As far as how you do that, thats up to you. Find things you like and stick with them. I hate group classes, I never go, so I've stopped joining zumba clubs or 5am spinning classes etc and refocused on working out at home. I like lentils and I like the occasional piece of bread, and I know as long as I am honestly logging and within my calorie limit THATS OK.

    3) Perhaps more to your point, it's also overwhelming because it's a long term goal. I know for myself long term thinking or planning has NEVER been my thing. So thinking about small but significant changes in the short term that add up to big time change is completely new to me (Just ask my savings account) and hard. 13lbs is GREAT WORK - in fact you are 1/3 of your way to your first goal!!!!!! Many people don't get that far, and many people get that far and quit. I know it seems like a small step, but it's way better then no steps, and the only way to get to the finish line is to take lots and lots of small steps.

    You will be great! And don't feel too overwhelmed. keep it simple and take it day by day :)