Finding Balance in life

Good Morning, I'm Sarah and starting back on track .... Again!


  • clopez285
    clopez285 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Sarah!
    I'm doing the same thing! I've had an on and off again relationship with getting MFP and getting healthy in general. Let's push each other to reach our goals :smiley:
  • Let's do this!
  • Go Sarah go! :D
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Woot woot, love the attitude! MFP works for me. Get some friends who log their food and exercise every day; some who have the same goals as you :) and make sure you log too. Getting friends on here was the critical step for me to keep me engaged. You can do this, there is a lot of positive support here if you look away from the quibbles and keep focused on the successes!!
  • We're here to motivate you girl ! I'm on the same track. Just started back up to actually hitting up the gym, working out,eatting right. Because by this summer, i just want a fit stomach and healthier body :)