Fitbit Flex; Is it worth getting?

lucyster92 Posts: 51 Member
edited January 2015 in Chit-Chat
I've wanted a Fitbit Flex for a while but I'm not sure if they're worth the £60 price tag!
Does anyone have one? Would you recommend?

Also feel free to add me!


  • SJBanks89
    SJBanks89 Posts: 92 Member
    I got one for Christmas. It is actually pretty good. You can set your own goals and it rewards you when you hit the daily ones. I got mine on a standard goal to start with. You are meant to do 10,000 steps a day which is about 4/5 miles. You can set it to burn certain calories a day as well. I have mine connected to my phone with a free app and you can see how many steps you have done, how much you have burned and even how you are sleeping at night. I think it is worth the money as long as you like walking.
  • newgirl512
    newgirl512 Posts: 58 Member
    I have the force and love love love it!!! I just ordered the surge for running
  • SJBanks89
    SJBanks89 Posts: 92 Member
    also it does send you motivation when you are nearing the daily goal.
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I love my fitbit very much! Just an extra kick to get you moving!
  • ToniaH75
    Love my Flex!!
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    I love my Fitbit Flex. Its great for tracking steps and goal setting. I am one of those few who have had some problems with their's. If you read any of the review on the Flex you will see that some have a problem with charging the Flex (raises hand). I am on my third charger. I will say costomer service is very good.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I have a Flex and have some concerns...for one, if you're going to use it as a glorified pedometer, then you're in business. However, it doesn't seem to even get the steps/distance right! I have my stride entered, etc...but when I walk to our local rec center, it's 2.8 miles each way. It gives me credit for 1.51 - just short of HALF!! When I looked this up on the fitbit site, it appears that many other people are having issues as well. One person who did his own "tests" deducted that the faster you walk, the more it "misses" steps - now, I don't know about you, but when I'm walking for exercise, I walk fast!! The other thing that I don't like about it is, if you do any kind of a an exercise that doesn't have alot of steps involved (like I do a Body Pump class - lifting weights to music), it really doesn't give you "credit" for that workout. The sleep thing is pretty cool...I can see I'm a very restless sleeper - and it appears to get most of that right (I might look at the clock if I get up during the night and check the log in the morning and it shows that I was awake then). As far as the charger - I've not had any problems with that except for it won't charge off of my has to be on desktop. All in all, I'm a little disappointed, but, like others said, it IS a reminder to try to get your steps in for the day.