Anyone else working on a doctorate AND trying to lose weight?

Hello! I'm looking for some MFP friends, so please add me if you are looking to lose weight while working on a dissertation or thesis!

I am trying to finish my PhD over the next year, and I've found the grad student lifestyle to be very difficult for losing weight. On the plus side, I eat out and drink a lot less than I used to, but on the negative side, I don't exercise nearly as much as I did, and difficulties in my writing often lead to eating for comfort.

I want to lose weight for my health and so I can look my best -- I have a whole closet full of professional clothes I'd love to be able to wear again when I finish my degree and am back in the work world!

I'd love to friend anyone in a similar situation for mutual support and accountability!


  • diegops1
    diegops1 Posts: 154 Member
    Good luck with the dissertation. My wife finished an MS in geospatial engineering last year completely online while working 84 hours per week in Afghanistan and coping with Guillain-Barre. She had previously be very active, walking 7 to 10 miles per day for work and working out in the gym every night. But with the GBS she was limping and dragging her right leg just walking 200 yards from her room to the office. And it was a bear trying to code and write the thesis after her fingers could no longer feel the keyboard. The good news is that it can be done! She gained 20 lbs that she has been struggling with some success to lose this past year. She is on MFP, but I don't know how she uses it; perhaps, just for the calorie record. My daughter in law is completing her dissertation in marine biology and she has talked about getting both my son and herself on a program. I'll check with both of them. Perhaps they would be interested.
  • Gradschoolwatch
    Gradschoolwatch Posts: 66 Member
    I share your frustration. I was skinny most of my life (without controlling food or working out). I gained about 30-40 lbs since I started grad school(Masters). I didn't even realize it initially ! Now I am starting my 3rd year of PhD and FINALLY serious about weight loss. I use jawbone to motivate me to take short walks every hour and it seems to be walking. I would love to have someone to share motivation and accountability too ! :)