Any tips for making wardrobe last as you're losing?

The jeans I recently bought are really loose and I'm already using a belt. I keep thinking I going to be spending a fortune on clothes at this rate. Is there a way to get the most out of what I have before I have to replace them? Ugh! Bras too! I have some things I kept from when I was lighter, but not enough.


  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited February 2015
    I lost a lot of weight too and still going strong ( the slowing down process takes much longer than i thought i keep losing good)

    I went from XXXL to an L size
    So 80% of my wardrobe is unusable lol

    I decided not to by any jeans yet or dress pants or really nice clothes. I went to the Walmart and chose to buy some cheap pants ( kinda yoga pants) of $9.99 with some cheap shirts.
    The pants have a cord on top so i can adjust them more (tighten more if i lose more weight).
    I will keep doing this till my weight loss really slows down and i can wear my new clothes size for longer period of time.


  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I completely understand this! I've gone down 2-3 sizes since I've started and I know that I have another 80lbs (at least) to go, so buying new clothes is not worth it, other than a few bits here and there. My jeans I bought at Christmas are getting almost too baggy now too!

    I've found that wearing leggings and then dresses/tunics over top have helped as leggings are stretchy and so will fit longer than jeans. Dresses and tunics can drape over you and/or be cinched with a belt so they last longer too. Anything I've bought has also been fairly cheap or second hand, so I don't feel bad not wearing them long because I didn't spend much on the clothes.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    As a woman, easiest thing is buying dresses and skirts. Belt them at the waist as they get looser. Buy cheaper pieces too. Pants are overrated and I've always hated them -- tight in the thighs, loose in the waist, and sometimes baggy in the butt (not so much now unless the pants are just way too big in the waist for me, but it was a problem before I started strength training properly). I am fortunate to have small boobs and will go braless whenever feasible, or honestly I'll wear my sports bras when I can. I'm not bothering to buy new bras until I reach my goal weight.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    I read somewhere that sport bras are the way to go during weight loss. Though I really dread the idea of havin to wear leggings so I think I will need to look for some dressy sweat pants
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    As above, it's easy to buy dresses or long tops to wear with tights/leggings.

    I've got a wardrobe full of my pre-pregnancy stuff that I WILL get back into, so I'm not spending a fortune on new things. I've bought a couple of new dresses that'll look fine when I drop the rest of the weight, so I pretty much live in dresses with tights and boots. All my old dresses fit me too, it's just my jeans that don't....yet.

    As I've had 3 children I have pre-pregnancy and post pregnancy size bras, so I've got lots of sizes covered lol.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited February 2015
    yeah well i cut out the dresses and skirts for now
    I train every day so pants it is. After training i walk for some time with our doggie too.

    What could not wait any longer was a new bathing suit.
    The old one is dropping off lol

    And i promised some ladies to do pool training So out to buy one today..sighs
    But on the other hand fun too. It showed the progress.

    2 new bra's last week and undies... it was really time.

    but for now cheap shirts and pants it is. I can wait...see it as a luxury problem hehehe
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I just replaced them with the change of season, pretty much (except tops... went from size 18/2X to Medium), and always bought a size smaller (so I had massive muffin top in jeans for a couple months).
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Target, Wal-mart or the goodwill.
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    It may have to be yoga-type pants for me then. I haven't worn a dress in over 39years, so that's out.
    I wish I could get enough support from a sports bra without it mashing them together in what looks like a mono-boob.
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with the leggings bit. I've given up on jeans they just don't last long enough (lost 50lb) I've been wearing leggings and tunic tops or vests and cardigans. Stuff I can chop and change a lot so it all kinda matches, though to be fair I mostly wear blak colours.. Try sports bras as well, in the UK ASDA do good ones, that's Wallmart US and they are soft and stretchy so you should get plenty of wear out of them without the baggy cups. But t.shirtrs that are now baggy make great tips cinched in under the bust with a wide belt.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    If you have a Plato's closet near your area, the prices for lightly used clothing is usually very good there. And they usually have a decent array of sizes and decently cute stuff.

    As for bras...I just wore mine until I couldn't anymore, lol. It wasn't a good look, but I was waiting for a goal weight before I made any clothing purchases.

    Do you have a friend that knows how to sew? Maybe they could help take in some clothes for you.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    At home I live in yoga pants, sweats and flannel sleep pants. When I can no longer wear my jeans with a belt I'll buy 2 pairs in a smaller size, usually from the clearance rack at old navy, Gap etc (I can usually get a pair for about $10). I have bought two bras and a package of new underwear when they others have gotten to big.
  • Kimba1974
    I have a idea. I been thinking about this. I already lost 23 pounds but not have lost a size yet but I figured I would. I don't do belts cause they hurt me. I had to use undergarment suspenders to keep my pants up instead of belts. I figure i can use them to hold up my pants when they become much looser. The only thing about using my old clothes is that I won't look thin if I keep using my big size cloths. I want to look like I lost weight as well but don't want to keep buying clothes. I also don't want to buy any cheap clothes cause they still may not look very flattering on me.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Strictly Goodwill! I have only been buying one pair of black pants and one black skirt, both of which were bought 15 pounds ago. They still fit although they are getting pretty baggy, so it's time to get another set of each. I have an assortment of shirts, most of which are baggy, but I still have my fat fat ones (as opposed to the fat fat fat ones that I'm wearing now). I still have all my size sixes but they're in storage and are probably so out of style that I will delight in buying new clothes at last!
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    Revonue wrote: »
    If you have a Plato's closet near your area, the prices for lightly used clothing is usually very good there. And they usually have a decent array of sizes and decently cute stuff.

    +1 for Plato's Closet. We have one and it's fantastic. They even sell high-end workout clothes like Nike, Addidas, Lulumon, etc. for a fraction of the original price tag.

  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    Awesome ideas.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Find a tailor. I was amazed at how much better proper fitting pants looked. I have the flattest butt on the planet, so even when I buy pants that fit my belly and thighs, they don't look great - and when they're baggy - well, it looks like I have a load in my pants!

    It costs a bit - I'm in a big city so $15/pair, but if you have pants that you love, and they're too's worth the money. They can also do wonders with certain types of shirts.

  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Dresses, leggings, and getting pants altered. Also, there is a great resale shop near me where I used to buy things inexpensively so that I didn't have to feel bad about keeping them a short time.
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    I am using a clothing allowance per pound lost as my reward and I only wish I had lost enough to have a need rather than a desire to buy new clothes. Of course I did keep a lot of the old ones so there has been a little bit of fun in shopping in my own closet. Sorry, I know this is not the help you wanted, but I thought you might like to hear that I am looking forward to having your success! Great job!
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    Hey there

    I wait for sales and buy my underwear especially bras then. Saves me a fortune and then if I lose weight I don't feel so bad having to get rid of them.

    Not sure where you live but I shop in H&M they do a lot of stylish elasticated trousers in small medium and large I tend to buy them sometimes a little smaller (will depend how my weight loss is going) as I lose weight they start to fit better and last that bit longer.

    Me and my friends do clothes swapping other than that I would suggest shopping in a second hand clothes store or maybe it is time to learn how to sew. You can adjust your clothes to fit you??

    Good luck and congrats on your weight loss, hope you reach your goal :)