cheat meal

When is it okay to have a cheat meal? I know every one does it once in a while.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Not everyone does it. Many people around here fit the foods they love into their calorie goals. "Cheating" gives off a negative connotation. If you want to do it, just make sure you log it.
  • TheEats
    TheEats Posts: 49 Member
    When is it okay to have a cheat meal? I know every one does it once in a while.

    I fit indulgent foods into my calorie goals, usually due to being under my target Monday to Friday. I call it "cheat days", but it is not actually cheating and I always log everything.
  • princesssadie93
    princesssadie93 Posts: 228 Member
    Well I usually make my own healthy meals. But when it comes to Sunday family dinner I don't really have a option so I'm just left here like >.>. <.< >.> ummm...
  • eatingforspawn
    eatingforspawn Posts: 34 Member
    edited February 2015
    It totally depends on your lifestyle, your diet and your mind. For some people a cheat meal throws them off and they have a hard time getting back on track. Some people can handle one every once in a while. Some people go nuts with their "cheats" while others keep their cheats sensible.

    I give myself one cheat a week. I usually eat a balanced diet of fresh natural foods. Meats, veggies, fruits, few grains. I go shopping every Wednesday, and on that day, I typically treat myself to a lunch consisting of some kind of restaurant or fast food. I give myself one meal of whatever I want, but I still try to stay close to my calorie goals for the day even with that meal. So, if I decide to get a burger, I will not get anything else with it, like fries or a soda, because then it would be impossible to eat dinner and stay anywhere close to my calorie needs. I will allow a couple hundred over if there is something I really want. But I just keep it reasonable. If I ever want to go out to dinner or breakfast I save my cheat meal for that week for that. Or if an unexpected extra cheat happens (like a sudden invitation out to dinner) in a week, I skip the next week's cheat.

    Also, once every TWO weeks. I eat something sweet for dessert. Like half a muffin with a half cup of ice cream or one slice of cheesecake, or something along those lines.

    None of this harms my weight loss at all.

    This is MY method. It keeps me very sane and works very well for me. It may not work for you.
  • same position as you, monday-friday I am able to eat clean but sunday dinners are tough because im at my parents for supper, so what I do is just designate that meal as the "cheat".
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    When is it okay to have a cheat meal? I know every one does it once in a while.

    I had mine today - it was my son's birthday so I had a chicken burger and a small piece of cake. I'm still under my calorie goals though so maybe I'll have another slice ;):p
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    Cheat meals? I eat pizza every week and I just fit it into my daily goal. If I go over that day I don't stress it as there are days I don't meet my goal so over the course of a week I'm still within goal.
  • mikeRVA88
    mikeRVA88 Posts: 8 Member
    what's a cheat meal? The numbers are what they are
  • princesssadie93
    princesssadie93 Posts: 228 Member
    I make my own low cal snacks like cakes and pies or cookies or something. But tonight i had a itty bitty itty bitty bit of lasgana and I'm worried I went over. But idk because the box is already gone. But for the most part I had a salad.
  • LilyMammoth
    LilyMammoth Posts: 38 Member
    I've been doing a "cheat" day once a week but I'm cutting it back to a cheat meal every 2 weeks. I have a hard time getting back on track after cheat days though.
  • princesssadie93
    princesssadie93 Posts: 228 Member
    Its not a problem for me to get back on track. I'm self contious about it though. So I worry.