Here we go again! 2nd time for anyone else?



  • Second time using site but didn't give up the cause. Names Greg im 28 as of jan 21st i lost 100 pounds since last june just eating right. I joined the gym in nov going 2-3 days a wk didn't think it helped until i seen i lost 40 lbs, now im in gym 7 days a week staying focus on newer me.
  • This is my second time on here but new account
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    this is my second time around with MFP. the first time I only lost about 12 lbs and I put it all back on but it was my own fault. this time I have been concentrating on keep an honest food diary and am doing much better. finally being honest with myself about what I am eating and tracking to the best of my ability has helped my weight loss. I am down about 25 lbs so far and this time I am not giving up on myself.

    You can do it. Good luck!!!!!
  • Roarmiaka
    Roarmiaka Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2015
    second times the charm, right? right? yep here i am again (joined today) but i have a good start, lost 25 pounds! (next weigh in wednesday :) )
  • Oh yeah! Lost 45 pounds, put 25 back on. Trying to lose the 25, halfway there. Not going to do this a third time! You can do it. Do it for yourself and that person you married!
  • Makai18
    Makai18 Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely me! Got down to the perfect weight, couldn't see it at the time, disordered eating took over and I got up to my heaviest point about a year ago. Down about 12 pounds from then, but still have another 15 or so to go! I've been stuck at the same place for a year and have started creeping back up again - need motivation and support to stop the madness!