Really need motivation!

Looking for new friends to add to help motivate and support! My weight is super up and down! Anyone willing to add me and motivate me will be greatly appreciated


  • sscombs7
    I'm new but I definitely understand the struggle. Praying for you. Stay encouraged. I'm not sure how to "add"
  • zaneshia2006
    Thanks! I think I sent you a request! :-)
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Guuuuuuurl. I log my weight every day and the tracker has so many ups and downs on it that it looks like one of those lie detector scans. But this isn't just about the scale. It is about us being a better us so as long as we keep making some progress it is all good. Ps Add me, we can struggle together
  • snappy36
    snappy36 Posts: 28 Member
    Looking for new friends to add to help motivate and support! My weight is super up and down! Anyone willing to add me and motivate me will be greatly appreciated

  • snappy36
    snappy36 Posts: 28 Member
    I've lost my weight and trying to get a 5# cushion. It is so hard to stay within that space. Maybe we could help one another.

  • dmwolf62
    Hi. Would love to be friends and work together on this. I don't know how to add on this thing either but anyone who wants to add me please feel free. The more we can help each other the better for all!
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Omg I think mfp should make it easier to add friends. I don't know how either! Anyone wanna add lil' ol me? Scratch that. Big ol' me
  • jules9881
    Hello everyone. I could use all the support and motivation I can get. I am really good about being consistent but its always so hard to take that first step. I know I can lose the weight because I have before, not many pounds, but enough to know that if I stick with it I can attain my ultimate goal. The key is to keep going! I notice a major problem I have is that I see results and get excited and think, oh I can do this no problem. And instead of continuing I end up "falling off the wagon" because I gain confidence. Not so good because then I gain the weight back and have to start over!!! I have hypothyroidism so that already hurts my metabolism. BUT, I no longer want to use that as a crutch or an excuse for my weight. I want to be able to slide down the slide with my daughter and not feel like I am going to get stuck or break it. I want my daughter to be proud of me. Its not easy to be asked by an innocent child if I am pregnant and all the while its just that I am fat. :'( Speaking of which, I would like to have a 2nd child, but my weight is an issue. Im just tired of not being happy with my body. I am my own worst enemy. My body issues affect my confidence, my marriage, everything. I am so insecure and unhappy and I hold back a lot. Time to take my life back and not be in bondage to my weight.