Emotional eater looking for support and motivation

I have been an emotional eater for a few years and I am ready to change my life. I am committed to channeling my need to eat needlessly into something healthy. Looking for friend who share my same struggles, goals or who have been there before and have overcome emotionally driven overeating.


  • mldnd
    mldnd Posts: 2 Member
    I'm overcoming my disordered eating and trying to get back to a healthy lifestyle as well! I have send you a friend request!
  • sexynana1969
    sexynana1969 Posts: 17 Member
    I am also an emotional eater and it usually doesn't matter which emotion it is... lol. It helps to have healthy snacks in the house instead of unhealthy. I don't allow anything in my house that I shouldn't eat. I know that is selfish, if you ask my husband he sometimes agrees, but I need to do what is best for me right now. It would be nice to have support, I don't have much support at home.
  • Detralynn
    Detralynn Posts: 9 Member
    I knew that I was not alone in my struggle. I know how hard it is to battle this type of addiction alone and I thought why not try link up with people who share this struggle so we can help and encourage one another through this. We got this!!!!!!
  • Detralynn
    Detralynn Posts: 9 Member
    I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Please share with me your wins and your struggles--- let's make this community work. :) Let's all challenge ourselves this week. Whether it be a fitness challenge or a food challenge, lets see what we can do. My challenge for this week is that I want to walk on the treadmill at least 5 times this week for 45 minutes. If you know me, that's a struggle.

    I struggled a little today. Went to dinner with the family to celebrate my birthday and ordered a meal the "old me" would have ordered. How pissed was I??? Not only was the food mediocre, at best-- the calorie count was outrageous! Lesson learned. I should have figured out what I was considering eating prior to getting to the restaurant-- checked the calories in the meal and made my decision from there. That way atleast when I got to the restaurant I wouldn't have been in the dark about it. I tried to make up for it though. Came home and walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes. I definitely need to learn to make better food choices.
  • I'm with you. Please add and we can pray and encourage one another
  • Makai18
    Makai18 Posts: 5 Member
    I deal with the exact same things as you. Please add me as a friend, I'm starting again and need tons of support and hope we can help each other out!
  • Detralynn
    Detralynn Posts: 9 Member
    I am STRUGGLING!!!! I mean the struggle is real! Had a protein shake for breakfast-- it is now well past lunch and my day has just slowed down long enough for me to run out and grab lunch except-- what do I eat??? I want something healthy but filling. Looked on a number of fast food restraunt websites for some ideas to no avail. If I don't figure out something soon I think it'll turn into a Betty White/ Snickers commercial over here.