Feel in need of a friend/support

Started here in January & have lost 10 lb. Have been exercising, can' t do anything too strenuous but am walking 1-1.5 mile a day (may not be much but
its a start & more than I was doing) Yesterday though my leg "went" & I am struggling to walk ....I need to lose weight to stop this happening but now can't
burn up extra calories through excercise - am so frustrated! I was enjoying my walks.
I got weighed this morning & haven't lost any weight so feeling a bit down & could do with someone to make sure I don't go astray!


  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    I would love to add ya. I love hiking and walking. I recently broke my toe, so I have to stay off my feet for a bit till it heals.
  • astro_katie
    Hey! I've got a healing broken leg and torn tendons in my ankle so the most I am able to do at the moment is my water physio. Maybe water aerobics might be the go for you to give the leg some time to heal and strengthen up?
    I can't believe how much more of a flex I have in my ankle I have, after only 3 sessions.
    Give it some thought and add me if you like
  • Plumpcrazy
    Plumpcrazy Posts: 7 Member
    OUCH!!! Those both sound quite painful. Adding you both as friends. Thanx