My mid life crisis

Hi everyone! I'm new to this... Was always very thin until I hit the age 40.... Now I need to lose twenty pounds! I wish everyone good luck and feel free to write me if you need a weight loss friend!


  • SeanDelaney1966
    SeanDelaney1966 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi from NZ Mary. All the best with your journey. I have only been going a few weeks and find it great. Be honest and write everything down and I find most importantly......check in daily. Good luck. Cheers Sean
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Hi Mary. You can do this! Like Sean said, log everything. Then you can add or subtract calories to get to your goal.
  • mary197052
    mary197052 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you very much ! It's encouraging to be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing... All of my friends and female co- workers are extremely thin and do not understand lol.
  • LittlePinkShotgun
    LittlePinkShotgun Posts: 101 Member
    Oh god, I hear you. I need to drop 10 at the very least. I have been talking about this mid life crisis for the last year (just turned 40) but nobody seems to understand! Ugh.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    Just turned 40 too. Been hitting the gym hard for over 2 months now and am starting to see results. I'll be your friend. I am 10 lbs from my goal weight currently.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    I was super skinny too until after the age of 40. In 2 years I've had some on switch that has been slowly piling the pounds on me.
  • mary197052
    mary197052 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm getting ready to turn 45.... The weight slowly starting piling on at 40. This is day one for me so here's to hoping I lose some weight and good luck to everyone!
  • Right there with you, Mary. Trying to turn fat 40 into fit 40. I have 30 pounds to get rid of. Want to take back my health.