Shoulder Dislocation

Hey all-
Last night I dislocated my shoulder while I was sleeping. This used to happen to me a lot when I was younger (and not exercising) and after the first few times of it happening, it was a breeze to put back in. 2 years ago was the last time I dislocated before last night. I went to the hospital after I had put it back in because I thought I might have pinched a nerve. When I told the doctor what happened- he didn't believe me! I saw a specialist after that as well who I'm sure had the same sentiment. He told me I was fine, and sent me on my way with some exercises to do.

Last night was the most painful it has ever been. I know it's because my muscles are much bigger now, and therefore harder to slip back into place. I passed out twice trying to relocate it, and I never want this to happen again. Everything that I'm reading online makes it sound like this is a serious injury. When can I begin weight training again? Running? Would it be okay to take a walk today? Is this a reoccurring problem because no one is taking me seriously?

Thanks for the input all! xox


  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    You should go to a Sports Medicine doctor if you can and then go from there. It sounds like you may need to strengthen the muscles in your rotator cuff.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    I whole heartedly agree: get to a Sports Medicine Clinic for a proper diagnosis and then a referral to a physical therapist to help you gain more stable shoulders and also consult about how to properly prepare for lifting and after-lifting care. Do NOT lift until you have done this, OR run. I had partial dislocations from very minimal incidents, and walking was ok but slipping on ice - just that sudden movement of being off balance without falling - had me in agony. PT was immensely helpful and while I still have loose shoulders I can lift without injuring myself.

    Some of us are just looser jointed than others. As a kid it was a good way to freak out friends for sport - but as an adult, not so much.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ajflkdafs wrote: »
    Everything that I'm reading online makes it sound like this is a serious injury. When can I begin weight training again? Running? Would it be okay to take a walk today? Is this a reoccurring problem because no one is taking me seriously?

    Thanks for the input all! xox

    Well, what did your doctor say about the dislocation last night? What has a PT told you to do for exercises and rehab?

    Don't ask internet randoms when your health is in the balance. Dislocations are pretty serious, and nasty business.
  • dbmata wrote: »
    ajflkdafs wrote: »
    Everything that I'm reading online makes it sound like this is a serious injury. When can I begin weight training again? Running? Would it be okay to take a walk today? Is this a reoccurring problem because no one is taking me seriously?

    Thanks for the input all! xox

    Well, what did your doctor say about the dislocation last night? What has a PT told you to do for exercises and rehab?

    Don't ask internet randoms when your health is in the balance. Dislocations are pretty serious, and nasty business.

    As I mentioned, I didn't go to a doctor last night, the doctor I had seen previously about the same problem a few years ago didn't believe I could put my shoulder back in place on my own. I was not referred to a PT, or anyone for that matter. That's why I'm relying on "internet randoms."

    As for everyone else commenting on this thread, thanks so much for your input. I now have a starting place on the road to recovery and I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness so much.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Oh man you're basically me! I've never met another one of us before! I've dislocated mine tons of times, but to this day still have not gone to the doctor during a dislocation. It's gotten worse and worse over the years - the last time I was barely able to use it for a couple of days afterwards, so I went to an orthopedic surgeon and he decided I was a crazy freak for that same reason - he couldn't believe that I just put it back on my own and never saw a doctor. So I'm still dealing with it..

    Let me ask you - does it just hurt or does it feel unstable all the time? Mine doesn't hurt much normally but it *always* feels like it's not quite in the socket and if I don't keep it tense it will just fall out, and when it does fall out now it hurts a ton and then feels 'asleep' for days afterwards - so last year I kept hearing these ads on NPR about a local hospital doing a seminar on shoulder injuries. So I went and I believe that it's a torn labrum. That is different from a rotator cuff and it specifically is related to chronic dislocations. The doctor who gave this seminar had 20+ slides about rotator cuffs, and ONE slide about labral tears, and never got back to me after the presentation.

    Anyway...much empathy.
  • dkhuff1
    dkhuff1 Posts: 67 Member
    I would go to a good shoulder orthopedic surgeon and or a sports focused physical therapist. They will likely try PT to stabilize it first. If that doesn't work then surgery. I does sound like a torn labrum. I recommend you get it addressed as you will likely develop arthritis in the joint over time if this keeps happening. I've been they shoulder surgery to repai a rotator cuff, labrum and biceps tendon. Not fun, but you can be back to normal if you do your PT religiously. Good luck. Oh, I hit the gym the entire time I was in my sling working my lower body and abs
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    I am not sure I understand. Why would you put the shoulder back into place on your own? If the doctors don't believe you just go back to the hospital while its dislocated. I dislocated mine during work one day and I didn't even know it till I went to see my doctor and he told me what happened. He asked me long it was like that and I told him for about a week. He placed me under one of those warmers and popped it back into place and it never happened again but now that I am older I have issues with that side. Don't self diagnose; go to the doctor when you have an active dislocation.
  • Wooow so much good info thanks so much!! Can one of you tell me what kind of scans to ask for? Is it just an x-ray? I'm planning on going to the hospital tomorrow if it's still in pain so I can get everything done in one shot- so just want to make sure it's the one shot! If not, I will definitely be going to my doctor and asking for a sports focused PT referral.

    sofaking- It used to feel loose all the time. I never moved my arms in certain ways, and it was just something I learned to live with. Since I started really lifting and seeing the benefits of it I was actually able to move my arms in ways I hadn't in years! But yes, it is in so much pain STILL and I used to be able to pop it back in without flinching. I am definitely going to get it checked out, I want to see a PT like so many have recommended to make sure I'm okay from here on out, I will let you know what happens!

    amyrebeccah & dkhuff1- thanks for your encouraging words xox! It's nice to hear that this doesn't have to create chaos randomly throughout my life and I can take action to control it.

    jazzy550- not sure if we're talking about the same thing...when I dislocate mine I am not able to move that arm at all, whatsoever. The shoulder is visibly out of place and it is extremely painful (as I mentioned, I passed out twice from the pain in just 30 minutes). It's not something that is okay to let go for a week, nor could I imagine anyone doing that. This is why I've never gone while it is out of place, it is too painful to leave out of the socket. I appreciate your message though, and do plan to see a doctor!

    PS- Especially after reading these messages and looking things up online, I can't believe a doctor would say that you can't put your own shoulder back into place! I found so many tips on putting it back in, it's something that clearly happens to a lot of people!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    edited February 2015
    Dude I only separated my shoulder last year playing soccer and I couldn't move my arm at ALL for a few days. I pushed the boundaries a bit with rehab and still have issues with it. Your shoulder is a joint that is easy to mess up for the rest of your life. Honestly I'd be pushing to have someone who knows what they are doing look at it and try to "fix" it. The more it pops out the more you stretch and mess up the ligaments and muscles around your shoulder (making it easier to pop out the next time). You may need surgery and/or PT.

    If your doctors don't believe you then take a picture with your cell phone, and find a better doctor. Like ASAP.

    PS - while you CAN put your own shoulder back in place, there is actually a technique to it and you should always, always try to have it done by a professional. Again....your shoulder is very easy to mess up.

    *Note - I'm not a doctor but I do have first hand experience with a shoulder injury, my dad was an EMT, and I know multiple people who have had shoulder surgery.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    It's pretty simple, this is a greivous failure in your basic structural integrity, get it resolved, or it's gonna get worse. You're a baby, too young to have this happening.
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    I guess I must have a high pain tolerance? I don't know all I remember is the doctor couldn't understand how I went so long like that. I think it sounds more painful to put it back in place on your own! That's a trip! Anyhow hope you figure it out! No wonder mine is so messed up now!!!