Night shifters

i work 7p-7a 3 nights one week then 4 the next. Right now I just keep my schedule the same. When I get off at 7am I have breakfast and that's where I start logging for the day. I don't get much sleep during the day bc of kids so I still eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and then I use snacks for my nights. It's hard to space my calories out and I feel like I don't get much to eat at night bc I don't have many calories left. Looking for friends with open diary so I can get some ideas! Feel free to add me!


  • sisson_02
    sisson_02 Posts: 1 Member
    Ahhh I work the exact same schedule and it gets tough sometimes expecially when you switch from your days on and off!! Good Luck :)
    Add me if you want!!
  • I work 11pm - 9am, Monday - Thursday night. I start my logging at midnight and eat 2-3 "mini meals" (like a bowl of shredded wheat, nutrigrain bar, or half a bagel with cream cheese, etc.) throughout the night/morning and log them as breakfast. I usually have another snack when I get home (also logged as breakfast), then sleep through lunch. I have to get up by 4:30pm, in order to pick up my son from daycare, then we eat dinner together around 5:30pm. I am currently 8 months pregnant with my second child, therefore, I am hungry literally all the time, so that has really been a struggle.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    I too work nights for last 7 years, I find working nights has helped me to lose weight as I eat much less during the week.
    My week is Mon - Thu 9pm - 6am
    My week is usually, Mon morning I eat Breakfast / Early Lunch, then I try sleep for a bit, then up at 7pm for work, eat a small meal / snack / cereal. Then I eat a meal from the works canteen or take pack lunch for 1am, I do not feel hungry when I get home so I don't eat again till 7pm when I get up, then at 1am again and that is all week, then the weekend start :( I am trying my hardest at the moment to cut back on my weekend eating, that is where I need to make my biggest change, eat less / smaller portions so I can get through the weekend under my daily goal too, I can go a over on a weekend if left unsupervised.....

    My wife has recently started nights also, so I don't need to turn back into a normal person at weekends, I can continue to do my night shift pattern in the main, and I think this will help me to get rid of the 2 stone goal I am looking for.

    P.S. I also work in a chocolate factory, making sweets, so keeping off them at work is a struggle too.....
  • Working over nights for the past year and a half helped me add on 40 pounds. I had to leave my job a few months ago but I haven't lost any of the weight yet. For me, I ate to get energy and stay awake. Often I grabbed poor choices but I'm a student too, I don't have a lot of time or money. I've finally gotten back on a normal sleeping schedule, I'm hoping my diet will also. (P.s. Working in health care also added a lot of stress eating. )