
Hello beautiful slim people :smile: I am a 22 years old student. I am suffering of BED with some very bed episodes quite often. I am I have been reading about hypnosis for more than an year and now I am very determined to try it. I actually made an appointment but the truth is that I am very scared to go through with it.

Does any of you have any experiance with it? I signed up for gym also and I want to keep going.

Looking forward to reading what others have experianced! S.


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I personally have no experience with BED or hypnosis, but figured I would chime in. Iwould think it's an okay option if you have insurance that can help cover the cost. I personally don't believe much in hypnosis as a "cure". However, I do think therapy can be an awesome tool for individuals struggling with disordered eating (including BED), and practicing skills to help control binges, and trigger food/scenarios/behaviors that can influence a binge. If you find a hypnosis session(s) doesn't help, I would highly recommend finding a counselor or therapist in your area that can help you address the root cause of your binging. But since you have made the appointment, I really don't see any harm with going through with it, trying it once, and seeing what happens.

    Whatever you decide to do, I hope you are able to get some relief and skills to help conquer it. You can do it!
  • slankke
    slankke Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you a lot for your reply, Missiontofitness. I am not from USA and my insurance does not cover it but I want so much to finally have some self-confidence that I would do anything for it :)....almost:)))...Anyway, I was at therapy around 4 times last year, but we were working on a lot more things that are going on in my life. It would be the same price to go to therapy as it is for hypnosis as it would be a psykolog who is doing it, so it is not much of a diffrence. That is why I decided to ask other people who have done it or know more about it that me.

    I saw your profile and you are an inspiration! Keep it up! You are so determined :smile: