What's a good heart rate?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum!

I discovered about 2 months ago that I would have a cracking workout, and using the hrm on the gym equipment my heart rate would be about 182 peak. I then started getting palpitations and a few extra beats for a few days after then it would settle down.

I cut out caffeine and invested in a polar hrm watch to try and stop myself from over doing it. Since then I make an effort not to go over 165/170 and have to say that everything is ticking along nicely.

However, I did a strong workout the other day and beat my personal best at running, noticed my heart rate rose to 180 and again for the day or two after I had the problem return.

My question is that I'm thinking that the heart is a muscle and like all muscles take on damage before getting stronger, is that correct? No health professionals seem concerned and Just wanted to see if anyone else has come across this?

My stats are 5" 0inch, 11st 8lb and I'm on 1200-1400 cals daily.



  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    If you've talked about it with your doctor and they're not concerned, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just keep an eye on it and I wouldn't try and peak out ever workout either.
  • jomickler
    jomickler Posts: 1 Member
    My experience tells me that you should get a second opinion on your heart situation.
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert, but this sounds a little bit worrisome to me. My max HR is about 180 (I'm 45 years old) and I've pushed my HR pretty close to that on many, many occasions while racing or whatever. I've never had the lingering, post-workout symptoms you describe.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    At your age, going to 180 shouldn’t be a big deal. I’d go to the doctor and get checked out. They can do an EKG and/or a stress test to see if you have an issue.
  • martinmcneely1
    martinmcneely1 Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2015
    180 should be achievable for you, I don't know your age or fitness level but I'm 31 and top 206 (confirmed by a vo2 Max test). I never get the palpitations you have mentioned and I do a lot of endurance event at threshold. Maybe worth getting checked.Do you know your resting heart rate? Is it consistent? Maybe this could be down to exhaustion? Better to get checked out all the same
  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm 27 and a newbie really, it may be down to doing to much to soon, as I used to get it when I hit 170 and now I don't suffer at all, it's rare I get it at 180 maybe I just need to take it easy, I'm sure with more patience and practice it will not be an issue. Also when I hit over 180 now I just get one or two extra beats either way after or the following day, no where near as bad as when I first started. Plus I was in pretty bad shape and would try and run 5k with no practice, I guess it's just my body catching up with my head.