Feeling defeated

tillzie Posts: 16
edited 4:03AM in Motivation and Support
so it's been two weeks. I've eaten well, I've been to the gym every day... And today for the first time I properly weighed in. And I have lost a little over 1 kilo... I just feel like I've worked my *kitten* off... Restricted my eating completely and don't have any good numbers to show for it... Have any of y'all come up against this kinda thing? Experience the same thing? Or just have any advice? I dont want to get frustrated or upset... Or fall off the healthy eating wagon... But I'm feeling defeated...


  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    There's no need to be defeated: You've eaten well and gone to the gym. That is a victory, any way you look at it. Just keep it up and the weight will follow. Congrats on the loss!!!
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    Hang in there! I have been here 5 weeks. I JUST lost my 1st pound at my weigh in this week. My pants are looser and I had to move my bra in a notch. Celebrate your healthier eating/ exercise habits. The scale will reflect that one of these days. Also, I increased my water by alot!! I wasn't drinking enough. I weigh 189 lbs and drink 90 oz of water a day....Use this site and take strength in the success stories. I try to read at least 2 a day and encourage at least 2 people a day. It helps :-)
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    It takes time for our bodies to adjust to the changes we are making. With a little time and patience it will happen.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    actually a 2 pound loss ( approx 1 kilo) in 2 weeks is a good healthy sustainable loss rate.
  • kennebec
    kennebec Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for this response to this young lady. I have been here a week now, and initially gained 5-pounds, then lost 3.4 of it. Reading through a newbie message board, I think I found out why (I used to eat too little calories, and now since I'm eating enough I will gain and it will stay on me for several weeks). Anyway, seeing that I'm not the only one who "isn't losing" at first is a good thing for me, and will make me continue eating enough (I had to double my daily intake). I was getting incredibly frustrated.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    actually a 2 pound loss ( approx 1 kilo) in 2 weeks is a good healthy sustainable loss rate.

    This. Sustainable is the key word here. Congrats and keep going!
  • kennebec
    kennebec Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for this response to this young lady. I have been here a week now, and initially gained 5-pounds, then lost 3.4 of it. Reading through a newbie message board, I think I found out why (I used to eat too little calories, and now since I'm eating enough I will gain and it will stay on me for several weeks). Anyway, seeing that I'm not the only one who "isn't losing" at first is a good thing for me, and will make me continue eating enough (I had to double my daily intake). I was getting incredibly frustrated.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, you may find some great answers in the "Newbie" boards.
  • smithda86
    smithda86 Posts: 10
    1 kg in 2 weeks is a reasonable weight loss. It may not be as much as what you have hoped for but its still a good healthy amount.

    Furthermore, remember that water loading within your body can also fluctuate your weight up and down and can influence your weight on the scales. Additionaly, you may have increased muscle mass as your body adapts to your new program.

    If you still aren't happy with your results then re-evaluate your regimen. Remember that weight loss occurs in the kitchen not the gym. Make sure you really are keeping strictly to your calorie goals. Keep up the cardio, burns a few extra calories and helps build cardiovascular fitness, but its not the basis of your weight loss, the diet will be.

    If this is all in check, just hang in there, it will take time, but you have made progress so far and will continue to make progress if you stick to it. This is a marathon not a sprint :)
  • tillzie
    tillzie Posts: 16
    Thanks everyone for the support. I know you are all right, I guess I just got wrapped up in this idea that the first few weeks would be big numbers!! Ah the illusion of the weightloss...
  • Wow, great support here. I'm in the exact same boat, except I've even gained 1 kg! I keep thinking I'm doing it wrong, so everyone's words to tillzie really ring true for me as well.
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