Insanity users!! Motivation/support needed


Background: I want to lose around 25lbs in total and have been trying various exercises, diets etc but with 2 small children & a bf who works away a lot it's quite difficult to get in the gym or to classes frequently.
My bf has been using the insanity dvds (he's just completed recovery week) & since he started has been keeping on to me to do it to so this week I finally said I would & so tonight have completed my first week.

However I am just not enjoying it at all. Yes it's burning the calories & I know they say no pain no gain but surely you should at least partially enjoy it in order to stay motivated???

What do you users think? Should I just keep pushing through? In my opinion it seems slightly more geared to men (just my thoughts) I just dont know what to do!!

Thanks for reading


  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    First of all, it's not for everyone. If you're not at a level of fitness to perform the routines correctly with as much intensity as you can, and don't somewhat enjoy pain, I'd recommend doing something that fits your current activity level and tolerance. With that, I just finished it a few days ago. I loved every minute of it because I'm pretty masochistic, and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to performing to beyond my current abilities.

    It seems like it's geared towards men, simply because of the massive amount of plyo and push-ups, but it's actually designed for anyone who wants to train at an athletic performance level. It's up to you. If you're not enjoying it and/or are having trouble keeping up with it, I'd say choose something else to do. Whatever it is, I wish you much success.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    I am doing it and will finish my last workout of recovery week tonight. I agree with anubis though, it is not for everyone. I love doing it, and as nervous as I am about starting month 2, I'm really looking forward to how much more I can push myself. But, that's who I am. I love it because it is a challenge. If it's something you are going to dread doing every day, maybe look into something that fits your interests more. If you have absolutely no desire to do it then it is going to be really hard to keep at it every day.
  • Kells44
    Kells44 Posts: 10
    I've decided to stick with it, see how it goes although I found last night really tough! But my question is, if I am doing another exercise also, do I still do the dvd aswell? I go to a zumba class on a tues night which is pretty tough going so do I still do tonights workout also??